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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Properties associated with reports and controls
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Stored procedures
The LabelNumberToStart property is used to:
  • Find out the number of the label on the label sheet from which the print will be performed.
  • Modify the number of the label from which the print will be performed on the label sheet.
This property enables you to print on a label sheet on which a previous print was already performed. The print will start from the label whose number is specified.
Remark: This property must be used in the report opening code.
// -- Code d'ouverture de l'état
// Imprime à partir de l'étiquette n°6 de la page
ETAT_EtiqClient.NumEtiquetteDeDépart = 6

Finding out the number of the label from which the print will start Hide the details

<Result> = <Report used>.LabelNumberToStart
<Result>: Integer
Number of the label from which the print will start. This number is given according to the label sheet used (the labels are numbered from left to right and from top to bottom).
The print starts from label #1 by default.
<Report used>: Report name
Name of "Label" report to use.

Modifying the number of the label from which the print will start Hide the details

<Report used>.LabelNumberToStart = <New number>
<Report used>: Report name
Name of "Label" report to use.
<New number>: Integer
Number of the label from which the print will start. This number must be given according to the label sheet used (the labels are numbered from left to right and from top to bottom).

Use conditions

The LabelNumberToStart property must be used in the opening process of the report. For example, you can pass the number of the first label to print as parameter to the report when starting the print.
This property only applies to the prints performed on a label sheet.
This property cannot be used if the report contains a page header and a page footer.


The LabelNumberToStart property applies only to "Label" reports.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/24/2024

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