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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Properties associated with reports and controls
  • What is a query performed on a connection?
  • Properties used to manage reports based on data files accessed via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector
  • Limit
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What is a query performed on a connection?

A query performed on a connection is a query performed on data files handled via a specific ODBC driver or a Native Connector.

When creating the connection, you have the ability to define:
  • the connection name
  • the name of the data source
  • the username and password
  • the name of the database accessed (if there is more than one).
The report editor allows you to print the data coming from a query performed on a connection. All the parameters of the connection to use can be defined in the report editor or through programming with the WLanguage properties.
The ODBCUserName property allows you to:
  • Identify the username used to connect to a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector. This name must be specified when printing a report based on a "query performed on a connection".
  • Specify the username used to connect to a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector. This name must be specified when printing a report based on a "query performed on a connection".
Note: this property must be used in the report opening code.
// -- Code d'ouverture de l'état
ETAT_Etat1.ODBCNomConnexion = "MaConnexion"
ETAT_Etat1.ODBCCodeSQL = "SELECT * FROM Produits"
ETAT_Etat1.ODBCNomUtilisateur = "DUPUIS"
ETAT_Etat1.ODBCMotDePasse = "PSW"

Identifying the username used to connect to a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector Hide the details

<Result> = <Report used>.ODBCUserName
<Result>: Character string
Username defined in the report, used to connect to a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.
<Report used>: Report name
Name of the report to be used.

Specifying the username used to connect to a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector Hide the details

<Report used>.ODBCUserName = <New name>
<Report used>: Report name
Name of the report to be used.
<New name>: Character string
Username used to connect to a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector. This name must correspond to the username defined when the connection was created in the administrator of the ODBC driver or Native Connector.

Properties used to manage reports based on data files accessed via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector

The following properties are used to manage reports based on data files accessed via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector:
ODBCConnectionNameUsed to identify and change the name of the connection used to handle a database accessed via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.
ODBCDatabaseNameUsed to identify and change the name of the database used by the query executed on a database accessed via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.
ODBCPasswordUsed to identify and change the password associated with the user allowed to access a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.
ODBCSQLCodeUsed to identify and change the SQL code of the query executed on a database accessed via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.
ODBCUserNameUsed to identify and change the name of the user allowed to access a database via an ODBC driver or a Native Connector.


The ODBCUserName property applies only to the reports based on a "query performed on a connection".
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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