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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Properties associated with windows, pages and controls
  • Initial position (control and window)
  • Position of a Tab control
  • Position of a control in a Tab control
  • Hidden button
  • Position of an anchored control
  • Toolbar
  • Elements of a Looper control
  • Limits for a window and for its controls
  • Limits for the report controls
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
The Y property is used to:
  • Find out the Y-coordinate of a control or window (position on Y-axis).
  • Modify the Y-coordinate of a control or window (position on Y-axis).
This property can be used on the controls found in a window, in a page or in a report, and on the windows.
// Connaître l'ordonnée du champ "IMG_Image"
ResOrdonnée = IMG_Image.Y

Finding out the Y-coordinate of a control or window Hide the details

<Result> = <Element used>.Y
<Result>: Integer
  • Y-coordinate of the specified control:
    • in a window, this Y-coordinate is expressed in pixels. This Y-coordinate corresponds the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control, relative to the upper-left corner of the window's client area (i.e. the window without title bar, menu bar or borders).
    • in a report, this Y-coordinate is expressed in millimeters. This Y-coordinate corresponds to the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control in relation to the upper-left corner of the block to which the control belongs.
    • in a page, this Y-coordinate is expressed in pixels.
    • Y-coordinate of the specified window (in pixels). Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the window, relative to the upper-left corner of the screen.
      Linux The Y-coordinate of window is not available.
    <Element used>: Control name or window name
    Name of element (control or window) to use.
    For a control associated with a Tab control, use the following notation:
    <Nom de l'onglet>.<Nom du champ>

    Modifying the Y-coordinate of a control or window Hide the details

    <Element used>.Y = <New Y-coordinate>
    <Element used>: Control name or window name
    Name of element whose Y-coordinate will be modified.
    For a control associated with a Tab control, use the following notation:
    <Nom de l'onglet>.<Nom du champ>
    <New Y-coordinate>: Integer
    • New Y-coordinate for the specified control:
      • in a window, this Y-coordinate is expressed in pixels. This Y-coordinate corresponds the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control, relative to the upper-left corner of the window's client area (i.e. the window without title bar, menu bar or borders).
      • in a report, this Y-coordinate is expressed in millimeters. This Y-coordinate corresponds to the vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control in relation to the upper-left corner of the block to which the control belongs.
      • in a page, this Y-coordinate is expressed in pixels.
          Note: The field must be superimposable for the change in its ordinate to take effect.
      • New Y-coordinate for the specified window (in pixels). Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the window, relative to the upper-left corner of the screen.
        Linux The Y-coordinate of window cannot be modified.

      Initial position (control and window)

      The initial position (defined in the "Details" tab of the object description in the window editor) is returned by this XInitial and YInitial properties. It corresponds to position of the object when the window is opened, and can be modified through programming with the X and Y properties.

      Position of a Tab control

      The Y property gets and sets the vertical position (in pixels) of the Tab control in relation to the upper-left corner of the window's client area (i.e. window without borders, title and menu bars).
      Important: If tab coordinates are modified with the Yproperty, all fields positioned on the tab are also moved.

      Position of a control in a Tab control

      If a control is associated with a tab, its coordinates are not relative to the tab but to the window's client area (i.e. the window without title bar, menu bar or borders).
      If, after a modification, the coordinates of a control positioned on a tab no longer belong to the coordinates of this tab, the control is not displayed anymore.

      Hidden button

      You can use a "hidden" Button control by specifying negative coordinates (with the Y and X properties). These negative coordinates can be used to define specific shortcuts for example. A specific process can be called from a Button control with negative coordinates so that it does not appear in the window.

      Position of an anchored control

      The Y property can be used to temporarily modify the Y-coordinate of an anchored control (until the window is resized).
      To permanently change the position of an anchored control, use the XInitial and YInitial properties.


      The Y property can be used on a floating toolbar.

      Elements of a Looper control

      The Y property can be used on the elements of a Looper control. In this case, the Y property is used to get the coordinates of the row inside the visible area of the Looper control.
      If the element is not displayed in the visible part of the Looper control, the Y property will return -4000.
      LooperDisplay(ZR_SansNom1, 10)
      Info(".Y de l'élément 10 : " + ZR_SansNom1[10].Y)

      Limits for a window and for its controls

      WINDEV In a window, the Y property cannot be used on:
      • an option in a check box or radio button,
      • a row in a list box, in a combo box or in a table,
      • a group of controls,
      • a window menu,
      • an element in a TreeView control.
      Java In Java, the Y property applies only to the following elements:
      • Button.
      • Static.
      • Edit control.
      • Image.
      • Check Box.
      • Radio Button.
      • List Box.
      • Combo Box.
      • TreeView.
      • Tab.
      • Window.
      • Table.
      • Supercontrol.

      Limits for the report controls

      The Y property cannot be used on:
      • a report,
      • a report block.
      • A control cannot be displayed outside the block to which it belongs.
      • The Height and Width properties are used to get the height and width of a report control or report block.
      Minimum version required
      • Version 9
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      Last update: 09/24/2024

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