The deployment package creates a ZIP file containing the site's setup. This file can then be shared with the provider, who will install the site with WDDeploy. Remark: WDDeploy is a WEBDEV tool for: - the hosting provider to deploy a dynamic site from a package.
- deploying static WEBDEV websites.
- deploying PHP sites.
To create a deployment package: - Launch the WEBDEV site installation wizard: in the "Project" pane, in the "Generation" group, pull down "Deploy site" and select "Generate and deploy site".
- Generate the site library.
- Select "Create a remote deployment package".
- Enter the information about the server.
- Select the files to install.
- Configure the automatic modification
- Configure the site.
- Specify the characteristics of the package:
- The generation directory of the package. You can choose to clear (or not) the content of the directory during the generation.
- The name of the deployment package.
- Validate the package creation. At the end of package creation, WEBDEV proposes:
- launch site deployment (using WDDeploy).
- to open the explorer.