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Help / Installing applications and websites / WEBDEV website
  • Overview
  • How to?
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Stored procedures
The deployment package creates a ZIP file containing the site's setup. This file can then be shared with the provider, who will install the site with WDDeploy.
Remark: WDDeploy is a WEBDEV tool for:
  • the hosting provider to deploy a dynamic site from a package.
  • deploying static WEBDEV websites.
  • deploying PHP sites.
How to?
To create a deployment package:
  1. Launch the WEBDEV site installation wizard: in the "Project" pane, in the "Generation" group, pull down "Deploy site" and select "Generate and deploy site".
  2. Generate the site library.
  3. Select "Create a remote deployment package".
  4. Enter the information about the server.
  5. Select the files to install.
  6. Configure the automatic modification
  7. Configure the site.
  8. Specify the characteristics of the package:
    • The generation directory of the package. You can choose to clear (or not) the content of the directory during the generation.
    • The name of the deployment package.
  9. Validate the package creation. At the end of package creation, WEBDEV proposes:
    • launch site deployment (using WDDeploy).
    • to open the explorer.
Minimum version required
  • Version 12
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Last update: 12/20/2024

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