Help / Installing applications and websites / WINDEV application / Creating the setup program (wizard)
  • Overview
  • Additional modules
  • Including the setup of Reports & Queries
  • Displaying a license agreement
  • Displaying a "Readme" file
  • Choosing the optional tools that will be included in the setup
  • Including the uninstaller
  • Installing character fonts
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
The setup wizard allows you to include additional modules in the setup. The additional modules are used to add additional options to the setup program and to access the advanced setup parameters. You can:
Additional modules

Including the setup of Reports & Queries

This option is used to include the setup of Reports & Queries in the setup of your application.
In the screen for configuring the setup of "Reports & Queries":
  1. Check "Include Reports & Queries in the setup program". The installation package of Reports & Queries is automatically searched. This installation package is located in the "Install\Reports and Queries" subdirectory of the WINDEV installation directory.
    Caution: Including Reports & Queries significantly increases the size of your setup program (over 600 MB).
    The installation package of Reports & Queries can also be distributed separately.
    If Reports & Queries is not included in the setup, it can be downloaded from the application (via the automatic menu, from the report viewer or with RunReportsAndQueries). By default, the software is downloaded on an FTP site of PC SOFT. You can customize the download address of the software (e.g. company Website). For more details, see Reports & Queries: Customizing the download address.
  2. Specify (if necessary) the directories corresponding to the reports and queries modified or created by the end user:
    • the directory of custom reports and queries corresponds to the directory of the reports and queries visible by the user who created them.
    • the directory of shared reports and queries corresponds to the directory of the reports and queries visible by all application users.
  3. Allow or prevent the modification of these directories when installing the application.

Displaying a license agreement

If "Display a license agreement during the setup" is checked, you will have to specify the file containing the license agreement in the rest of wizard. This file can be in text format (".TXT") or in RTF format (".RTF" or ".WRI" for example).
If the setup program is multilingual, you must select a license for each supported language.
The license agreement will be displayed at the beginning of the setup. The user will have to accept the terms of the license agreement before he can continue.

Displaying a "Readme" file

If "Display a 'Readme' file at the end of setup" is checked, you will have to specify the "readme" file in the rest of wizard. This file can be:
  • in text format (".TXT"),
  • in Word format (".DOC"),
  • in HTML format (".HTM" or ".HTML"),
  • in RTF format (".RTF" or ".WRI" for example),
  • in any format recognized by the user computers.
If the setup program is multilingual, you must select a "readme" file for each supported language.
The "readme" file is displayed at the end of the setup. At the end of setup, the user will have to check "Display the "Readme" file" to read this file.

Choosing the optional tools that will be included in the setup

Several WINDEV tools can be freely distributed with your applications:
DplViewerUsed to view duplicates.
ReplicSynchroAllows you to manage the assisted Universal Replication.
WDConverConverts external files to HFSQL data files.
WDDebugUsed to debug an application remotely
WDLogSaves and restores the data files in HFSQL format and manages the logs.
WDOptimizerOptimizes the access to HFSQL files (reindexing, memo corrections, ...).
WDReplicManages data replication between computers that use the same application.
WDSQLDefines a connection and creates SQL queries on this connection.
WDScriptAllows you to create and edit WLanguage scripts.
WDTelDiagnoReturns the list of available TAPI lines and specifies the line that will be used by the telephony functions.
WDTransUsed to cancel transactions or to free records in transaction.

To add one or more of these tools, check "Include optional tools in the setup program" and select the desired tools in the other steps of the wizard.
To avoid installing too many applications on the client computer, the files required by these tools will be installed in "\Program Files\Common files\PC SOFT\30.0". The path of the optional tools directory is returned by SysDir. For example:
SysDir(srCommonProgramFiles) + "\PC SOFT\30.0"
If an application shortcut is created in the "Start" menu, the shortcut of each tool installed on the user computer will also be added to the "Start" menu (in the same program group as the application).
WDOptimizer will be installed by default if the application is associated with an HFSQL database.

Including the uninstaller

If "Include the uninstaller" is checked, the uninstaller will be automatically installed on the user computers.
Once it is installed, the application will be displayed in the list of programs installed on the current system ("Add/Remove programs" in the control panel).
Remark: The "uninst.INF" file will be created in the installation directory of the application. This file lists all the application files installed on the user computers.
To uninstall the application, you must:
  1. Select the application in the list of programs.
  2. Click the "Modify/Delete" button.
    The following elements will be deleted:
    • The files listed in the "uninst.INF" file.
    • The entries in the registry created when installing the application.
    • The application shortcuts (on the desktop and in the "Start" menu) if they exist.
    • The data files (".FIC", ".MMO" and ".NDX" files) after user confirmation.
    • The files saved during the different setups (if they exist) after user confirmation.
    • The directories whose files are deleted during the uninstall process.
Special case: If the application creates data files in a specific directory (different from the application subdirectories), these data files will not be automatically deleted during the uninstall process.
Remark: To uninstall the application, the uninstaller uses an entry in the Registry. The setup program creation wizard allows you to modify this identifier. For more details, see Modifying the identifier used to uninstall the application.

Installing character fonts

If the option "Install character fonts" is checked, the selected fonts will be deployed on the client computer. In the next screen, add the TTF or OTF files corresponding to the fonts to install.
When installing the application, these fonts will be automatically installed on the client computer.
Remark: Please check that you have the right to distribute these fonts.
Minimum version required
  • Version 11
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Last update: 05/30/2024

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