- Properties specific to pdfBookmark variables
- WLanguage functions that use the pdfBookmark type
pdfBookmark (Type of variable) In french: pdfSignet
The pdfBookmark type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a bookmark in a PDF document. The characteristics of this bookmark can be defined and changed using different WLanguage properties. Remark: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable. MyPDF is pdfDocument = "test.pdf" FOR EACH Bookmark OF MyPDF Trace(Bookmark.Title) END Properties Properties specific to pdfBookmark variables The following properties can be used to handle pdfBookmark variables:
| | | Property name | Type used | Effect |
PageNumber | Integer | Number of the page containing the bookmark. This property is read-only. | ChildBookmark | Array of pdfBookmark | Array of child bookmarks. This property is read-only. | Title | Character string | Bookmark title. This property is read-only. |
Remarks WLanguage functions that use the pdfBookmark type
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