Help / Developing an application or website / Mobile User Groupware
  • Overview
  • Implementing Private Store for a mobile application
  • Step 1: Server configuration
  • Step 2: Enable the Private Store in your mobile project
  • Step 3: Generate and upload the application to the Private Store (Android)
  • Step 3: Generate and upload the application to the Private Store (iOS)
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Stored procedures
There are two methods two deploy your applications:
  • use a public store such as App Store or Google Play.
  • directly distribute your applications.
The distribution of professional applications via a public store raises a number of concerns. And the distribution of applications by a direct method is not feasible on a large scale because everything has to be done manually: copy to each device, updates, authorizations.
WINDEV Mobile 26 and later versions include an ideal solution for distributing your professional applications: WINDEV Mobile includes a ready-to-use Private Store.
It is very easy to implement and use:
  1. Install all the prerequisites for using the Private Store.
  2. In the project, enable the "Private Store" option and compile the applications (iOS and / or Android).
  3. Upload the applications to the Private Store server.
  4. Define the authorized users.
  5. Share the URL or QRCode (automatically generated) with the users.
  6. Users will download the application, log in and start using the application.
  7. Then, you can publish new updates: users will be notified, and can accept and automatically download the update.
Caution: In iOS, you will need to enroll as an Organization.
  • This help page presents the implementation of the "Private Store". To implement the User Groupware, see Mobile User Groupware (Android and iOS).
  • The Private Store portal uses the browser language. For example, if the browser is in English the portal will be in English.
Implementing Private Store for a mobile application
To implement the Private Store for a mobile application:
  1. Step 1: Configure your server.
  2. Step 2: Enable the Private Store in your mobile project.
  3. Step 3: Generate and upload the application to the Private Store:

Step 1: Server configuration

Two cases may occur:
  • If you are using a PCSCloud platform: the required elements are installed by default on your platform.
    Reminder: PCSCloud is a paid, turnkey solution. For more details, see PCSCloud.
  • If you are not using a PCSCloud platform: install the following elements:
    • an HFSQL server,
    • the reserved server, including the modules for the Mobile User Groupware (WDBaaS).
    For more details, see Configuring a BaaS server (User Groupware and Private Store).

Step 2: Enable the Private Store in your mobile project

To enable the Private Store in your WINDEV Mobile project:
  1. Open your project in WINDEV Mobile.
  2. On the "Project" tab, in the "Project" group, click "GPU / Private Store".
  3. The description window of the current project configuration appears.
  4. In "Deployment on a Private Store", click "Change".
  5. The Private Store configuration window appears.
  6. Select the "General" tab:
    • Enable MBaaS: click "Enabled".
    • Select the desired feature: "Private Store: Manage application versions and updates".
    • In "GPU and Private Store application server (web service and administration site)", specify the server to use. In the case of a new server, select the type of server:
      • PCSCloud platform. In this case, specify the characteristics of your PCSCloud platform.
        Reminder: This option allows you to use a Web server, a dedicated server and an HFSQL Client/Server engine already installed and configured.
      • Network or Internet server with the protocol used. Enter the information provided during the installation of the User Groupware/Private Store reserved server:
        • server name, user and password.
        • server name and token.
    • The URLs of administration sites are automatically filled in with the information previously specified.
      CAUTION: The specified URLs will only work when the configuration window is validated. Upon validation, the modules installed with the reserved application server are automatically configured.
  7. In the "Private Store" tab, specify:
    • How the updates will be downloaded (Android only):
      • Over Wi-Fi only: users will be able to download updates only if they have Wi-Fi access.
      • Over Wi-Fi and mobile data: users will be able to download updates as soon as a connection is available.
      In iOS, these settings must be defined in the application console.
    • How to notify the user about optional updates. You can notify the user of an optional update by using one of the following methods:
      • Display a window in the application: in this case, an update prompt window will be automatically displayed.
      • Send a notification: in this case, a notification will let the user know there is an available update (notifications must be enabled for the application).
    • Options:
      • Enable automatic check for updates: This option makes it possible to automatically check for available updates. If this option is not selected, this check can be performed programmatically using AppUPDAvailable.
      • Display a message if a problem occurs when checking for updates (server unavailable, etc.): This option is used to notify the user if an update check could not be performed.
    • Based on the information entered in the Private Store settings window, you will get the URL used to install the application on mobile devices. It is also possible to get the corresponding QR Code.
  8. In the "Options" tab, specify:
    • The email customization options:
      • Registration validation: If necessary, customize the messages sent to newly registered users.
      • Forgot password: If necessary, customize the messages sent to users who forget their password.
      • Application setup (Private Store): Customize the message sent to users who wish to download the application.
    • The file language: By default, data files specific to the Private Store are in English, but you can use data files in French.
  9. Validate the Private Store configuration window.
Caution: When the user Private Store configuration window is validated, the following actions are performed:
  • Declaration of the current application in the application server reserved for the Private Store.
  • Activation of user and rights management sites.
  • Update of the XML file that contains the description of the application windows on the server.
  • Definition of a default user:
    • Definition of a Private Store, up to version 28: by default, "supervisor" is used both as username and password.
    • Definition of a Private Store from version 28 Update 1 (280066) onwards: by default, "admin" is used both as username and password.
      Remark: The first time you log in to the Private Store, you will be asked to change the administrator password.

Step 3: Generate and upload the application to the Private Store (Android)

To generate your Android application:
  1. On the "Project" tab, in the "Generation" group, click "Generate".
  2. In the generation wizard, in "Generation mode", select "Generate for free deployment (Private Store, fleet of devices, etc.)".
  3. Validate the different steps of the wizard with the desired options.
  4. The apk file of the application is generated in the "Exe" subdirectory of the project directory.
    To open this folder in the file explorer, go to the "Home" tab, "General" group, expand and select "Browse generation directory".
To upload the application:
  1. Start an administration site via one of the links in the "General" tab of the User Groupware/Private Store management window:
    • URL that corresponds to the deployed application. The users and passwords defined will be used when the application is deployed.
    • URL that corresponds to the test mode. The users and passwords defined will be used during a test on the phone ("Go").
  2. Log in to the administration site.
    • Definition of a Private Store, up to version 28: Enter "supervisor" for both the username and password.
    • Definition of a Private Store from version 28 Update 1 (280066) onwards: Enter "admin" for both the username and password.
  3. For Android applications, the Private Store administration site allows you to upload versions of the application via its APK file. A bar code can be generated to make setup easier on Android devices.
    • Click the "+" button to the right of "Applications".
    • In the popup that appears, specify: the application name, description and icon.
    • The application appears in the Private Store. You can:
      • Define the download permissions.
      • Upload the first version of the application ("Upload first version" button). In the popup that appears, specify the apk file to download. If necessary, enter the associated comments.
Remark: Administrator login credentials lost:
To reset the administrator's login credentials:
  1. Start WINDEV Mobile and open the project.
  2. Go to the User Groupware settings: on the "Project" tab, in the "Project" group, click "User Groupware".
  3. In the configuration description window, click "Reset administrator account password".
  4. In the window that appears:
    • Select the corresponding WEBDEV Application Server. Check the different options.
    • In "Administrator to reset", enter the administrator's username and new password.
    • Validate. Changes are automatically applied.

Step 3: Generate and upload the application to the Private Store (iOS)

Before generating an iOS application, make sure that you have a certificate that allows you to perform an "In-House" deployment (see In-House deployment)..
To generate your iOS application:
  1. On the "Project" tab, in the "Generation" group, click "Generate".
  2. In the generation wizard, in "Signature", provide the required "Provisioning profile" files.
  3. Validate the different steps of the wizard with the desired options.
  4. The xxx.xcode.gen file of the application is generated in the "Exe" subdirectory of the project directory.
  5. Open this folder in the file explorer: on the "Home" tab, in the "General" group, expand and select "Browse generation directory".
  6. Copy the "<Project name>.xcode.gen" directory, generated in the EXE directory to an external media (USB key, external hard disk, directory shared with the Mac on the network).
  7. Paste this folder on the Mac that will compile the application.
  8. Open the folder on the Mac and open the "Project_name.xcodeproj" file.
  9. The project is opened in Xcode.
In Xcode (caution: the operations described below are valid as of the date of writing of this document and may be subject to change):
  1. In the "Signing & capabilities" tab, check that you have a valid signing certificate.
  2. Select the compilation options from the drop-down list in the upper-left corner. Select the "Any iOS device" scheme.
    Caution: the "info.plist" file must be in XML format and not in binary format.
  3. To start the compilation, select "Product .. Archive".
  4. Once the process has been completed, a window shows the IPA archive. Click "Distribute App".
    The wizard starts.
  5. In the wizard:
    • Select "Enterprise".
    • Click "Next" twice.
    • The wizard requests the URLs with the application details. Use "https" URLs (simply type "https" in the fields).
    • Click "Next".
    • This step allows you to select the distribution certificate. It is selected by default. Select the corresponding "InHouse" profile.
    • Click "Next".
    • The file generation starts. At the end of the generation, click the export button and specify where the ".ipa" and ".manifest" files should be copied.
To upload the application:
  1. Start an administration site via one of the links in the "General" tab of the User Groupware/Private Store management window:
    • URL that corresponds to the deployed application. The users and passwords defined will be used when the application is deployed.
    • URL that corresponds to the test mode. The users and passwords defined will be used during a test on the phone ("Go").
  2. Log in to the administration site.
    • Up to version 28: Enter "supervisor" for both the username and password.
    • starting with version 28 Update 1 (280066): Enter "admin" for both the username and password.
  3. The WDBaaS site allows you to upload versions of the application via its archive (".ipa" file and ".manifest" file).
  4. When the app is uploaded, a bar code is generated to easily install the app on iOS devices. Simply share this bar code and users will be able to scan it with their devices. These users must have been described and activated from the Private Store administrator for the production database.
Special case: 1st setup on an iOS device using the bar code
  • When users scan the bar code of the application, they must first accept the application developer's certificate. This must be done only once.
  • iOS downloads the application via HTTPS. If the certificate of the web server that hosts the WDBaaS site was not issued by a trusted authority recognized by iOS, you will need to add the certificate to iOS. The procedure is as follows (checked at the time of writing this document):
    • on the iOS device, click the .cer file (received by email, etc.),
    • select the device,
    • a message indicates that the profile has been downloaded ("Profile Downloaded"): click "Close".
    • go to "Settings",
    • select "General",
    • select "Profiles & Device Management",
    • select the profile that was just installed,
    • click "install" and confirm.
    • go back to the "General" menu,
    • select "About",
    • select "Certificate Trust Settings",
    • select the certificate previously added to the profile,
    • activate the certificate,
    • accept the confirmation of addition to the root certificates.
Special case: Application update on iOS devices
If there are changes in the application, users must be able to update. The procedure in Xcode remains the same, you need to create a new archive. The new version (IPA and manifest.plist) must be uploaded.
The new version will be available in the Private Store administrator. The next time the application is started, the update prompt will appear automatically.
  • Only the "Supervisor" can access the application management site.
  • A specific banner lets you know if the application management site is used in test mode.
Minimum version required
  • Version 26
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Last update: 09/15/2024

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