Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Camera functions
  • Use conditions
  • Special cases
  • Required permissions
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Stored procedures
Stops the video preview or video recording in a Camera control.
Starting with version 27, this function is deprecated for Android and iOS applications. This function is kept only for Camera controls created with earlier versions and with the "Version-26-compatible mode" option enabled ("General" tab of the control description window).
// Stops the camera preview stream
// in the "CAM_Kitchen" control
ResStop = CameraStop(CAM_Kitchen, viStopDisplay)
<Result> = CameraStop(<Camera control> [, <Action to stop>])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the camera preview stream and/or the video recording in the Camera control is correctly stopped,
  • False if an error occurred. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo.
<Camera control>: Control name
Name of the Camera control to be used.
<Action to stop>: Optional integer constant
Type of action to stop:
(Default value)
Stops the camera preview stream and the video recording. The corresponding file is generated. The specified Camera control becomes empty.
viStopCaptureStops recording the video. The corresponding file is generated.
viStopDisplayStops the camera preview stream. The specified Camera control becomes empty.

Use conditions

  • Windows To use this function, a "camera" must be connected to the current computer.
  • Android This function requires a device equipped with a camera. It can also be used in the Android emulator.
  • iPhone/iPad This function requires a device equipped with a camera.
  • Remark: This function is equivalent to VideoStop.

Special cases

  • To record and save the video captured by a web camera, use CameraCapture.
  • To display the video captured by a web camera in a Camera control, use CameraDisplay.

Required permissions

This function changes the permissions required by the application.
Required permission: CAMERA.
This permission allows the applications to access the camera.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 22
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Last update: 07/05/2023

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