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Help / Automatic Application Features (AAF) / AAF on Tables/TreeView Tables
  • Overview
  • Operating mode
  • Principle
  • Printing the report created by the developer
  • Printing the TreeView Table control directly
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Stored procedures
TreeView Table controls include an automatic context menu that allows users to perform multiple actions on the data displayed in the control.
One of the options in this context menu allows users to print the content of the TreeView Table control ("Print" option).
Operating mode


Several cases may occur:
  • If the developer has created a report based on this TreeView Table control, the report is printed.
  • If no report is linked to this TreeView Table control, the user can directly print the content of the control.
  • The "Print" option in the context menu of TreeView Table controls requires the WINDEV framework print libraries.
  • In the code, AAFDisable with the aafPrintReportOnTable constant, removes the "Print" option for the specified TreeView Table control.

Printing the report created by the developer

If the developer has created a report based on the TreeView Table control, the "Print" option will directly print the report. No specific programming is required.

Printing the TreeView Table control directly

When the TreeView Table control is printed, the content of the control is displayed directly in the report viewer.
If the TreeView Table control has too many rows (more than 10,000), the application asks the user for confirmation (the print job can take quite long and be memory intensive).
The print characteristics are as follows:
  • The title of the document is the title of the TreeView Table control. If no title was specified for the TreeView control, the text "Report on table (AAF)" is printed.
  • The column titles are printed on each page.
  • The background color of the cells will be the same as the one defined in the TreeView Table control.
  • The print job does not reflect the RTF attributes of the text in the TreeView Table control.
  • Counters, totals, ... defined for the Hereditary Table field are not printed.. Only a row counter is printed below the TreeView Table control. The caption corresponds to the caption defined for the counter in the window editor.
  • Today's date is printed in the upper-right corner.
  • The number of the current page and the total number of pages are printed in the lower-right corner.
  • The horizontal merge of columns is kept, except in the following cases:
    • merge with an invisible column
    • merge of columns that "overlay" over 2 pages.
  • Images in TreeView Table controls are printed only if their path is specified. Images in memos are not printed.
  • The document is printed using the writing direction specified with the TextDirection property at window and/or TreeView Table control level.
  • Columns defined as non exportable and non printable will not be printed (VisibleInExportAndPrint property or "Export and print" option in the "General" tab of the column description window).
Minimum version required
  • Version 19
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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