- Overview of pages
- Creating a page
- How to?
- Files corresponding to the pages
- Describing a page
- Creating a page from an internal page (and conversely)
Pages are the main interface of a WEBDEV site. Pages allow Web users to view and handle information. This information can be: - Dynamic information coming from data files, queries, etc. This information changes according to the requests made by the Web users.
- Static. The information is fixed and it does not change.
How to? To create a page: - Click in the quick access buttons.
- The new element window appears: click "Page" then "Page".
- The page creation wizard starts.
- Select the type of page to create:
- the "Standard " option allows you to create:
- a blank page without any controls.
The editing mode of this page is defined in the "General" tab of the page description window.: - Responsive (zoning and layouts) (default): Blank page with zoning and layouts.
By using the layouts defined on desktop and mobile, this type of page makes it possible to quickly create a "Mobile-friendly" site. - Slices (legacy Responsive mode): Blank page with Responsive Web Design breakpoints.
This type of page is kept for compatibility to create "Mobile-friendly" sites. For more details, see Creating a Responsive Web Design page. - HTML mode: Blank page whose type is HTML Stream.
- a page based on a project template, if the project contains a page template.
- a page based on a preset template (2 or 3 columns, left or right sidebar, etc.).
You can generate the page and the page template, or the page only. The generated page contains controls that provide a preview. These controls can be modified or deleted later.
- "Internal pages" is used to create:
- a blank internal page that can be included (with its code) in another page via the "Internal page" controls.
- internal pages specific to the management of dialog boxes.
- "Error pages" is used to create error pages. These error pages allow you to customize the error page displayed in the site. For more details, see Managing site errors.
- "RAD " is used to create "Dynamic RAD" pages to display and to enter data. This type of page can be based on a data file, query, etc.
To display the characteristics of the created page, use one of the following methods: - Select "Description" in the page context menu.
- On the "Modification" tab, in the "Quick edit" group, click "Description".
Files corresponding to the pages The pages correspond to WEBDEV ".WWH " files. By default, these files are created in the main directory of the project. When generating the pages of the site, the ".WWH" files are automatically converted into ".HTM" files. These HTML files are created in different directories depending on the type of the page: - Dynamic page: subdirectories of the project languages (e.g. "US", "FR", etc.).
- Static page: subdirectories of the languages found in the "<ProjectName>_WEB" directory of the project ("MySite_Web/US" for example).
For more details, see Project directories. Describing a page The description window of a page contains several tabs that allow you to define all the characteristics of the page: - "General" tab: It is used to define:
- the name of the page,
- its description,
- its title,
- its type (Session, AWP, static, PHP, etc.),
- its edit mode (Layout-based RWD or legacy RWD, etc.).
- "UI" tab: It is used to define:
- the characteristics of the automatic Ajax indicator,
- various display options:
- adaptation for mobiles,
- iOS web apps,
- hover cursor of the page.
- page size.
- anchoring options of the page.
- "Details" tab: It is used to define:
- "Frame" tab: It is used to defined the characteristics of the frames.
- "Languages" tab: It is used to define the languages available in the page.
- "Note" tab: It is used to define the title of the notes and their content. This information will be printed in the technical documentation.
- "Advanced" tab: It is used to:
- "Style" tab: It is used to define:
- the characteristics of the skin associated with the page. For more details, see Management of skins.
- the style sheet associated with the page.
- the page style options:
- Browser background.
- Page background and borders. For example, the background image associated with the page. For more details, see Page and background image.
- Default colors: This option allows you to define the different colors used for the text of the page, links, visited links, ... This information modifies the code of the <BODY> tag of the HTML page.
Creating a page from an internal page (and conversely) WEBDEV allows you to create a page from an internal page (and conversely). - To create an internal page from the current page, go to the "Home" tab, "General" group, expand "Save" and select "Save page as an internal page".
- To create a page from the current internal page, go to the "Home" tab, "General" group, expand "Save" and select "Save internal page as a page".
Related Examples:
Sample components (WEBDEV): WW_CloudTags
[ + ] This example explains how to display a cloud of tags in a dynamic WEBDEV application. Indeed, on Internet, a site page responds more or less to a set of keywords. The purpose of this example is to explain how to display the keywords of a site in an area of the page by indicating the important keywords graphically. The keywords are represented as links of different sizes: the more important the keyword is, the larger the font is.