Help / Editors / Report editor / Report viewer
  • Overview
  • How to?
  • Inserting annotations into a report
  • Deleting an annotation from a report
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
Does your application allow you to print several reports? The end user has the ability to write annotations from the report viewer: drawing, arrow, formatted text, ...
Annotations will be printed in the report and will be displayed when exporting a document (PDF, email, etc.).
This feature is available for the prints performed with the report editor (or with "Reports & Queries") and for the programmed prints (performed with the WLanguage functions).
Reminder: The report viewer is available:
  • in the report editor of WINDEV, WEBDEV, WINDEV Mobile.
  • in "Reports and Queries".
  • when printing reports from a WINDEV application.
How to?

Inserting annotations into a report

To insert annotations, go to the "Annotate" pane of the report viewer:
Annotate pane
You can:
  • Cancel or redo an action.
  • Hand draw:
    • Click "Brush".
    • Start drawing.
  • Draw an arrow.
    • Click "Arrow".
    • Click in the report viewer to set the starting point.
    • Keep the mouse button down until you reach the end point of the arrow. The head of arrow will be drawn at the end of the line.
  • Draw a border.
    • Click "Rectangle".
    • Click in the report viewer to set the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
    • Keep the mouse button down until you reach the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
  • Insert a text.
    • Click "Text".
    • Define a rectangle where the text will be inserted.
    • A toolbar allows you to define the characteristics of inserted text (size, color, ...).
    • Type the text.
  • Insert an image.
    • Click "Image".
    • Define the area where the image will be inserted.
    • The file picker is automatically opened to type the path of image to insert.
  • Insert a watermark.
    • Click "Watermark".
    • In the window that appears, you can specify:
      Watermark properties in the report viewer
      • the destination of the watermark: print and/or duplicate copy.
      • the positioning of the watermark: ascending diagonal, descending diagonal or horizontal.
      • the text of the watermark, its font, its size, its color and its opacity.
  • Blur text, images, etc.
    • Click "Blur area".
    • Define the area to be blurred.
    • The elements within the defined area are blurred.
  • Define the default line size.
  • Define the color used by default.

Deleting an annotation from a report

To delete an annotation from a report:
  1. Select the requested annotation.
  2. Press the Del key to delete the annotation.
  • iParameterViewer is used to disable the annotation pane if necessary (iButtonAnnotation constant).
  • Annotations can only be moved to the current page displayed in the report viewer. An annotation cannot be moved from a page to another one.
Minimum version required
  • Version 20
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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