Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Map functions
  • Properties specific to MapPolygon variables
  • WLanguage functions
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Stored procedures
The MapPolygon type is used to define the characteristics of a polygon to be drawn on the map displayed in a Map control. The characteristics of this polygon can be defined and changed using different WLanguage properties.
Remark: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
// Add a polygon to the Map control
MyPolygon is MapPolygon
FOR EACH PointPosition OF arrPositions
Add(MyPolygon.Point, PointPosition)
MyPolygon.LineColor = LightRed
MyPolygon.ActionClick = ClickProc
MapAddShape(MAP_MyMap, MyPolygon)
INTERNAL PROCÉDURE ClickProc(p is MapPolygon)
ToastDisplay(StringBuild("Click on the <%1> polygon.", p.Name))

Properties specific to MapPolygon variables

The following properties can be used to handle a polygon:
Property nameType usedEffect
ActionClickProcedure nameName of the WLanguage procedure called when the user clicks the polygon displayed in the Map control. This procedure has the following format:
PROCEDURE <Procedure name>(<Polygon>)
where <Polygon> is a MapPolygon variable corresponding to the polygon that the user clicked on.
If this property is not specified (or corresponds to an empty string ("")), no action will be performed on click.
Remark: it is recommended to use global procedures. If the procedure is local, its name must be prefixed by the full name of the object to which the procedure belongs (example for a local window procedure: "WIN_Window1.MyProcedure").
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code This procedure can be a Browser or Server procedure.
BackgroundColorColor, integer, Integer constantPolygon background color. This color can correspond to:
Remark: To change the opacity of the fill, you can write:
MyMapPolygon.BackgroundColor.Opacity = 50
DescriptionCharacter stringDescription of the shape, used to store additional information, for example.
  • True to indicate that the drawing of the polygon must take into account the curvature of the Earth,
  • False (default) to draw a straight line.
iPhone/iPad Not available.
LineInteger constantLine style used between the vertices of the polygon:
  • LineSolid (default value): Solid line.
  • LineDotted: Dots.
  • LineDash: Dashes.
  • LineDotAndDash: Dots and dashes.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code Not available.
LineColorColor, integer, Integer constantPolygon outline color. This color can correspond to:
Name Character stringName of the shape (here, name of the polygon). A name is automatically assigned when the variable is created. It can be modified, but it has to be unique if the shape is added to the Map control. This name can be used to delete the polygon with MapDeleteShape.
PointArray of geoPositionPoints corresponding to the vertices of the polygon. The polygon will be automatically closed, so the start and end points can be different.
ThicknessIntegerLine thickness used for the polygon outline.
The thickness is set to 2 by default.
ZOrderIntegerZ-order of the circle in relation to the other shapes in the Map control. Allows you to manage overlays.
A shape with a high Z-order will be drawn over a shape with a lower Z-order.
This property is set to 0 by default.
iPhone/iPad This property is not available.

WLanguage functions

The following WLanguage functions are used to handle MapPolygon variables:
MapAddShapeAdds a new shape (polygon, line, circle) to the map displayed in a Map control.
MapDeleteShapeDeletes a shape drawn on the map displayed in an Map control.
MapModifyShapeModifies a shape drawn on the map displayed in a Map control.
Minimum version required
  • Version 26
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Last update: 07/10/2024

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