<mongoGridFS variable>.SendFile (Function) In french: <Variable mongoGridFS>.EnvoieFichier Copies a file from the local computer to a MongoDB file system (gridFS). gclGridFS est un mongoGridFS
sFic est une chaîne = fSélecteur("", "", "Sélectionnez le fichier à envoyer dans GridFS", ...
"Tous les fichiers (*.*)" + TAB + "*.*", "", fselOuvre)
SI sFic <> "" ALORS
gclGridFS.EnvoieFichier(sFic, fExtraitChemin(sFic, fFichier + fExtension))
ToastAffiche("Envoi terminé avec succès.")
FIN Syntax
(<Result>, <File information>) = <File system>.SendFile(<Name of file to copy> , <Name of copied file>)
<Result>: Boolean - True if the operation was performed,
- False if a problem occurs. ErrorInfo is used to identify the error.
<File information>: mongoGridFSFileInfo variable mongoGridFSFileInfo variable corresponding to the copied file. <File system>: mongoGridFS variable Name of the mongoGridFS variable corresponding to the MongoDB file system to use. <Name of file to copy>: Character string Path and name of file found on the local computer that will be copied into the MongoDB database. <Name of copied file>: Character string Name of file copied into the MongoDB database.
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