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Stored procedures
<Source>.InfoMemo (Function)
In french: <Source>.InfoMémo
ODBCNot available with this kind of connection
Returns the characteristics of binary and text memos.
MemoInfo is string 
MemoInfo = Product.InfoMemo(Name)
// Retrieve the name of source file of memo
FileName is string 
FileName = MemoInfo.ExtractString(2, TAB)

Finding out the characteristics of Memo item Hide the details

<Result> = <Source>.MemoInfo(<Memo item>)
<Result>: Character string
  • Information about the binary memo.
  • Empty string ("") if the memo is empty.
The information is separated by TAB characters. This information is as follows:
TypeType of memo. This parameter can take the following values: "TXT" for the text memos, "IMG", "WAV", "OLE", "BIN" or "BAD" ("BAD" indicates that the binary memo is not stored properly)
NameName of source file as it was specified in <Source>.LinkMemo.
SizeSize of source file in bytes. For a text memo, this size is expressed in number of characters.
DateDate of source file in "YYYYMMDD" format.
TimeTime of source file in "HHMMSS" format
InfoUser information as it was specified in <Source>.LinkMemo

If the memo is a text memo, the name, the date, the time and the user information are not filled. The type is set to "TXT".
Example of the value returned for a text memo of size 25: "TXT "+TAB+TAB+25+TAB+TAB+TAB.

If the memo is a binary memo that was not assigned by <Source>.LinkMemo, the name, date, time and information are not specified. The type is set to "BIN".
Example of the value returned for a binary memo of size 1202: "BIN "+TAB+TAB+1202+TAB+TAB+TAB.
OLE DBNative Connectors (Native Accesses) The information about the memo will not be saved. The only information returned by <Source>.InfoMemo corresponds to:
  • the size of memo,
  • an empty string ("") if there is no size.
For example: "TXT" (or "BIN")+TAB+TAB+25+TAB+TAB+TAB.
<Source>: Type corresponding to the specified source
Name of data file (query of view) used.
<Memo item>: Character string
Name of memo item to use.
Component: wd300hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 25
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Last update: 12/05/2024

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