PVTCompareDateRange (Function) In french: TCDComparePériode
From version 26, PVTComparePeriod is kept for backward compatibility. This function has been replaced with PVTCompareDateRange.
Calculates and displays a date range comparison in a Pivot Table control.
sDateRange is string
FOR nYear = 2018 TO 2020
sDateRange += [CR] + "" + nYear + "0101" + TAB + nYear + "0331"
PVTCompareDateRange(PVT_Sales, sDateRange, pvtAbsoluteEvolution + pvtPercentageEvolution)
PVTCompareDateRange(<Pivot Table control> , <Range> , <Display mode>)
<Pivot Table control>: Control name Name of the Pivot Table control to be used. <Range>: Character string Date ranges to compare. This parameter has the following format:
<Min date Range 1> + TAB + <Max date Range 1> + CR + ... <Min date Range N> + TAB + <Max date Range N> where: - <Min date Range> corresponds to the minimum date of the range,
- <Max date Range> corresponds to the minimum date of the range.
The date ranges must be in the same order (ascending or descending) as the date dimensions. <Display mode>: Integer constant Specifies whether the evolution must be displayed as a percentage and/or absolute values: | | pvtAbsoluteEvolution | Shows the evolution between date ranges as absolute values. This constant can be combined with the pvtPercentageEvolution constant. | pvtPercentageEvolution | Shows the evolution between date ranges as a percentage. This constant can be combined with the pvtAbsoluteEvolution constant. | pvtWithoutEvolution (Default value) | Does not show the evolution between date ranges. |
Remarks - This function is used to compare date ranges. It is equivalent to "Compare date ranges", an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) in the context menu of the Pivot Table control. For more details, see Automatic features of Pivot Table controls.
- The Pivot Table control must not be empty, otherwise the function will have no effect.
Business / UI classification: UI Code
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