<Connection variable>.RSAddConfig (Function) In french: <Variable Connexion>.RSAjouteConfig
Available only with this kind of connection
Adds a replication between two HFSQL server onto the master server. MyConnection is Connection
ConfigReplication1 is hRSConfig
ConfigReplication1.Server = "atlas.mycompany.com:4996"
Add(ConfigReplication1.File, "MyDatabase")
Add(ConfigReplication1.File, "-MyDatabase\MyFile.fic")
MyConnection.RSAddConfig(ConfigReplication1, hrsNoCopy)
<Result> = <Connection>.RSAddConfig(<Replication to perform> , <Option> [, <Progress Bar>])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the replication was added,
- False otherwise. HErrorInfo is used to identify the error.
<Connection>: Connection variable Name of the Connection variable that describes the connection to the master HFSQL server. <Replication to perform>: hRSConfig variable Name of the hRSConfig variable describing the replication to perform. <Option>: Integer constant Action to perform: | | hrsCopy | Enables the initial copy of replicated elements from the connection server (master server) to the other server (subscriber server, defined in the hRSConfig variable). This copy is locking. Compatibility with previous versions: Corresponds to Vrai in previous versions. | hrsCopyBackgroundTask | Enables the initial copy of replicated elements from the connection server (master server) to the other server (subscriber server, defined in the hRSConfig variable). This copy is performed in background task and it is not locking. To find out whether the copy was performed: - List the available replications with <Connection variable>.RSListConfig.
- If the desired replication does not appear in the list, it means that it was not added.
- If the desired replication appears in the list, check the value of the Initialization property of the hRSConfig variable. If this property:
- is included between 0 and 1000, the replication is currently added.
- is set to 1000, the replication was added.
- is not specified, the replication failed to be added.
| hrsNoCopy | No copy is performed. Compatibility with previous versions: Corresponds to Faux in previous versions. |
<Progress Bar>: Optional control name Name of the Progress Bar control used to see the progress of initial copy.
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