iSequencingAddPDF (Function) In french: iEnchaînementAjoutePDF Adds a print of PDF document into a sequence of report prints. Note: Chaining report printouts allows you to print different reports in succession, visible as a single printout in the report viewer. You can add various types of documents in this sequence. For more details, see Sequencing reports.
iSequencingAddPDF(<PDF document> [, <Password> [, <Sizing> [, <List of pages>]]])
<PDF document>: Type of element PDF document to print. This document corresponds to: - the path of PDF file.
- an HFSQL memo corresponding to a PDF document
- a Buffer variable corresponding to a PDF document.
<Password>: Character string or Secret string - Password for opening the PDF file,
- Empty string ("") if the file has no password.
New in version 2025Secret strings: If you use the secret string vault, the type of secret string used for this parameter must be "Ansi or Unicode string". To learn more about secret strings and how to use the vault, see Secret string vault.
<Sizing>: Integer constant Print size: | | iHomothetic | Homothetic enlargement or reduction of the PDF document pages to adapt them to the output format, ignoring physical margins. | iHomotheticNoEnlargement | Homothetic reduction of the PDF document pages to adapt them to the output format, ignoring physical margins. The pages that use a format less than the output format keep their format and are centered. | iHomotheticNoEnlargementPrintableArea | Homothetic reduction of the PDF document pages to adapt them to the output format, taking into account physical margins. Pages with a smaller format keep their format and are centered. | iRealSize | Print in real size. The pages that use a format: - smaller than the output format are centered in the page.
- bigger than the output format are truncated and are centered in the page.
<List of pages>: Character string List of pages to print. You have the ability to specify the range of pages to print separated by a comma, each range being in 'X-Y' format where X and Y are numbers of pages. Remarks - The PDF documents are actually added during the call to iSequencingPrint.
- In this version, the reports and the sequenced PDF documents keep their own numbering.
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
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