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  • Properties specific to pdfSignature variables
  • Visible or invisible signature
  • Functions that use pdfSignature variables
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Stored procedures
pdfSignature (Variable type)
In french: pdfSignature
The pdfSignature type is used to define the advanced characteristics of the signature that will be applied to a PDF file:
  • when signing an existing PDF (with PDFSign).
  • when printing a PDF file using the print functions (iPrintSignature).
You can define and change the characteristics of this signature using different WLanguage properties.
Remark: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
MySignature is pdfSignature
MySignature.Certificate = CertificateLoad("test.pfx", "pwd")[1]
MySignature.Caption = "Signed by test"
MySignature.X = 10
MySignature.Y = 10
MySignature.Width = 150
MySignature.Height = 50
PDFSign("MyPDFFile.pdf", MySignature)

Properties specific to pdfSignature variables

The following properties can be used to manipulate signatures in a PDF file:
Property nameType usedEffect
BackgroundBrushInteger constantPattern used to fill the signature box:
  • iCrossed: Cross hatch brush.
  • iDiagonalCrossed: Diagonal cross hatch brush.
  • iDownwardDiagonal: Downward diagonal hatch brush.
  • iUpwardDiagonal: Upward diagonal hatch brush.
  • iHorizontal: Horizontal hatch brush.
  • iSolid (default value): Solid brush.
  • iVertical: Vertical hatch brush.
BackgroundColorInteger constantBackground color used for the signature area. This parameter can correspond to:
Before version 24, this property was named "BackgroundColor".
BorderBorder variableDescription of the signature border.
CaptionCharacter stringSignature text.
To make a signature invisible, this property and the Image property must not be specified. The Caption property can also be an empty string.
CertificateCertificate variableCertificate used to sign the PDF.
HeightRealHeight of the signature rectangle in the page (in millimeters). This height must be greater than 0.
HorizontalAlignmentInteger constantHorizontal alignment of the signature text:
  • iCenterH: Text horizontally centered.
  • iLeft (default value): Left-aligned text.
  • iRight: Right-aligned text.
ImageImage variableSignature image.
To make a signature invisible, this property and the Caption property must not be specified.
OpacityIntegerOpacity of the background color in the signature area. Value between 0 and 100:
  • 0: Transparent background,
  • 100: Opaque background.
PageIntegerNumber of the page where the signature is displayed. By default, this property is set to 0 (i.e. the signature is displayed at the end of the document).
VerticalAlignmentInteger constantVertical alignment of the signature text:
  • iBottom: Bottom-aligned text.
  • iCenterV: Text vertically centered.
  • iTop (default value): Top-aligned text.
WidthRealWidth of the signature rectangle in the page (in millimeters). This width must be greater than 0.
XRealX-coordinate of the position of the signature field in the page (in millimeters)
YRealY-coordinate of the position of the signature field in the page (in millimeters)

Visible or invisible signature

If the Caption and Image properties are not specified, the signature will be invisible: the document will be signed and Adobe Reader will display a blue box, but the signature will not be visible in the document.
Otherwise, the signature will appear in the document with the parameters specified by the different properties of the pdfSignature type.

Functions that use pdfSignature variables

iPrintSignaturePrints an image of the signature in a rectangular area.
PDFSignApplies an approval signature to an existing PDF.
Minimum version required
  • Version 22
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Last update: 04/22/2024

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