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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / AAF functions (Automatic Application Features)
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Customizes the text of a menu option for context menus corresponding to an AAF (Automatic Application Feature).
AAFChangeCaption(aafTableToExcel, "Enregistrer dans un fichier Excel")

AAFChangeCaption(ONG_DOC, aafTabNew, "Nouveau document")
AAFChangeCaption(ONG_CLIENT, aafTabNew, "Nouveau client")
AAFChangeCaption([<Control or window>, ] <AAF option to customize> , <Caption>)
<Control or window>: Optional character string
Name of a control or open window.
If this parameter is not specified, the modification is performed for all controls and for all windows.
<AAF option to customize>: Integer constant
Constant corresponding to the option to customize:
aaf1stFocusControlModifies the text of the context menu used to set the initial focus to the edit control.

The default text is "Set initial focus to this control".

Applies to: Edit control
aafAAFHelpChanges the context menu option that opens the AAF help site (

The default text is "Help (AAF)".

Applies to: Windows, Table, TreeView Table and Pivot Table controls
aafAddRowNumberColumnModifies Context menu label to add "row No." column to Table control.

By Default , this label corresponds to "Show numbers of row ".

Applies to: Table control or TreeView Table control.
aafAddShortcutModifies the text of the context menu used to manage custom keyboard shortcuts.

The default text is "Choose a keyboard shortcut".

Applies to: Button control
aafAdjustAllColumnsChanges the text of the context menu that allows users to make all columns of a Table control fit to the content.

The default text is "Adjust all columns".

Applies to: Table control
aafAutomaticValidationModifies the text of the context menu option used to implement a timer on a button.

The default text is "Automatic validation".

Applies to: Button control.
aafCalculatorModifies the text of the context menu used to display a popup calculator to perform calculations.

The default text is "Calculator".

Affected element: Numeric or Currency edit control
aafCalendarModifies the text of the context menu used to display a popup calendar in order to select a date in a Date edit control.

The default text is "Calendar".

Affected element: Date Edit control
aafCancelCompareDateRangePvtModifies the text of the context menu for canceling a date range comparison in a Pivot Table control.

The default text is "Cancel date range comparison".

Applies to: Pivot Table control
aafChangeBackgroundColorModifies the text of the context menu used to change the background color of a row, column or cell in a control.

The default text is "Background color".

Affected element: Table, TreeView Table and Pivot Table controls
aafChartModifies the text of the context menu used to display an automatic chart on a Table control.

The default text is "Chart".

Applies to: Table control
aafCheckAllModifies the text of the context menu for the Check Box table columns used to check all boxes.

The default text is "Check all".
Applies to: Table or TreeView Table control
aafCheckBoxCheckAllModifies the text of the context menu used to check all options in a Check Box control.

The default text is "Check all".

Applies to: Check Box control
aafColumnAddAverageModifies the text of the context menu used to add an automatic "Mean" total in a column of a Table control.

The default text is "Mean" (submenu of "Automatic calculations (sum, mean, ...)".

Applies to: Column of Table control
aafColumnAddCountModifies the text of the context menu used to add an automatic "Count" total in a column of a Table control.

The default text is "Number of elements" (submenu of "Automatic calculations (sum, mean, ...)".

Applies to: Column of Table control
aafColumnAddTotalModifies the text of the context menu used to add an automatic "Total" total in a column of a Table control.

The default text is "Total" (submenu of "Automatic calculations (sum, mean, ...)".

Applies to: Column of Table control
aafColumnSelectionModifies the text of the context menu option used to select the columns displayed in a Table or TreeView Table control.

The default text is "Select columns".

Applies to: Table or TreeView Table control
aafCompareDateRangePvtModifies the text of the context menu used to compare date ranges in a Pivot Table control.

The default text is "Compare date ranges".

Applies to: Pivot Table control
aafCopyModifies the text of the context menu used to:
  • copy the row of a List Box control. The default text is "Copy row".
  • copy the row found in a Table or Treeview Table control. The default text is "Copy row".
  • copy the content of an Image control. The default text is "Copy".

Applies to: List Box, Image, Table or TreeView Table control.
aafCopyAllModifies the text of the option in the context menu used to copy all rows in a List Box or Table control.

The default text is "Copy all".

Applies to: List Box control or Table control
aafCopyCellModifies the text of the context menu used to copy the cell in a Table control. The default text is "Copy XXX" where XXX is the cell content.

Applies to: Table control or TreeView Table control.
aafCopyColumnModifies the text of the context menu used to copy the column in a Table control. The default text is "Copy the column".

Applies to: Table control or TreeView Table control.
aafCopyFormModifies the text of the context menu used to copy the current form.

The default text is "Copy the form Ctrl Alt C".

Applies to: Window
aafCopyRowModifies the text of the context menu used to:
  • copy the row of a List Box control.
  • copy the row found in a Table or Treeview Table control.The default text is "Copy row".

Applies to: List Box, Table or TreeView Table control.
aafCustomizeUIModifies the text of the context menu option allowing the end user to customize the interface.

The default text is "Customize interface".

Applies to: Window
aafCutModifies the text of the context menu used to cut the row in a Table or TreeView Table control. The default text is "Cut".

Applies to: Table control or TreeView Table control.
aafDashEditModeModifies the text of the context menu option used to switch to edit mode via the context menu in a Dashboard control.

The default text is "Modification mode".

Applies to: Dashboard control
aafDeactivateWindowAnimationModifies the text of the context menu used to disable window animations.

The default text is "Disable the window animations".

Applies to: Window
aafDisplayEvolutionPvtModifies the text of the context menu used to show or hide the evolution in a comparison in a Pivot Table control.

The default text is "Show evolutions".

Applies to: Pivot Table control
aafDisplayOnSeveralLinesModifies the text of the context menu used to display the content of a column in a Table control on several lines.

The default text is "Display on several lines".

Applies to: Table control
aafDisplayPercentageEvolutionPvtModifies the text of the context menu for displaying the evolution as a percentage in a comparison in a Pivot Table control.

The default text is "Show evolutions in %".

Applies to: Pivot Table control
aafDisplayThumbnailModifies the text of the context menu used to disable the thumbnail display for an image or for a PDF file whose path was typed in an edit control.

The default text is "Disable image preview".

Applies to: File path Edit control
aafEditTooltipChanges the text of the context menu used to edit the tooltip of the control.

Applies to: all types of controls.
aafExpandCollapseAllModifies the text of the context menu used to expand or collapse all elements in a TreeView Table control or in a branch of a TreeView Table control.

The default text is "Expand/Collapse all".
Applies to:
  • TreeView Table control,
  • TreeView control.
aafFileSelectionModifies the text of the "Browse" option in the context menu displayed in the File and File Path edit controls.

The default text is "Browse".

Applies to: Edit control
aafFilterModifies the text of the context menu option used to filter the content of a column in a Table or TreeView Table control.

The default text is "Filter".

Applies to: Table or Treeview Table control.
  • the text of the context menu option used to perform a search in a multiline edit control.
  • the text of the context menu option used to perform a search in a column in a Table or TreeView Table control.

    The default text is "Find".

    Applies to:
  • Multiline edit control,
  • Table or Treeview Table control
aafFreezeColumnLeftModifies the text of the context menu that allows users to lock columns in a Table control.

The default text is "Freeze columns to the left".

Applies to: Table or TreeView Table control
aafGanttAddDependencyModifies the text of the context menu used to add a dependency link between two tasks in a Gantt Chart column.

The default text is "Link a prerequisite task".

Applies to: Gantt Chart column in a Table or TreeView Table control.
aafGanttAddTaskModifies the text of the context menu used to add a task into a Gantt Chart column.

The default text is "Add a task".

Applies to: Gantt Chart column in a Table or TreeView Table control.
aafGanttDeleteTaskModifies the text of the context menu used to delete a task from a Gantt Chart column.

The default text is "Delete task".

Applies to: Gantt Chart column in a Table or TreeView Table control.
aafGanttEditTaskModifies the text of the context menu used to edit a task in a Gantt Chart column.

The default text is "Edit task".

Applies to: Gantt Chart column in a Table or TreeView Table control.
aafGotoLineModifies the text of the context menu used to display a window for entering the number of the line to reach in a multiline edit control.

The default text is "Go to line".

Applies to: Multiline edit control
aafHistoryHFLogModifies text of the context menu used to display the history of HFSQL records of a control linked to a data file.

The default text is "History".

Applies to: Control linked to a data file
aafHistoryInputModifies the text of the context menu used to manage input history.

The default text is "Remember input history".

Affected elements: Edit control, editable combo box
aafImageEditModeModifies the text of the context menu used to edit the image displayed in the Image control.

The default text is "Edit image".

Affected element: Image control
aafInternetSearchModifies the text of the context menu option of the selection used to perform a search on Internet.

The default text is "Find '%1!s!' on Internet...".

Applies to: Edit control
aafOgiAddAptModifies the text of the context menu used to add a new appointment into an Organizer control.

The default text is "New appointment".

Applies to: Organizer control
aafOgiDeleteAptModifies the text of the context menu used to delete an appointment from the Organizer control.

The default text is "Delete appointment".

Applies to: Organizer control
aafOgiEditAptModifies the text of the context menu used to edit an appointment in the Organizer control.

The default text is "Edit appointment".

Applies to: Organizer control
aafOpenModifies the text of the context menu option used to open a file.

The default text is "Open".

Applies to: File path Edit control
aafOpenLocationModifies the text of the context menu option used to open the directory containing the file.

The default text is "Open file location".

Applies to: File path Edit control
aafOpenWithModifies the text of the context menu option used to open a file by selecting the software.

The default text is "Open with".

Applies to: File path Edit control
aafPDFDeleteCurrentPageChanges the text of the context menu option that allows users to delete the current page in a PDF Reader control.

The default text is "Delete page".

Applies to: PDF Reader control.
aafPrintFileModifies the text of the context menu used to print a file.

The default text is "Print".

Applies to: File path Edit control
aafPrintOrganizerModifies the text of the context menu used to print the content of Organizer controls.

The default text is "Print".

Applies to: Organizer control
aafPrintPvtModifies the text of the context menu used to print the content of Pivot Table controls.

The default text is "Print".

Applies to: Pivot Table control
aafPrintReportOnTableModifies the text of the context menu used to print the content of Table controls, TreeView Table controls and Gantt Chart columns.

The default text is "Print".

Affected element: Table and TreeView Table control
aafPrintScheduleModifies the text of the context menu used to print the content of Scheduler controls.

The default text is "Print".

Applies to: Scheduler control
aafPrintSpreadsheetModifies the text of the context menu used to print the content of Spreadsheet controls.

The default text is "Print".

Applies to: Spreadsheet control
aafPvtEditMode (Constant)Modifies the text of the context menu option used to reorganize the row and column headers in a Pivot Table control.

The default text is "Reorganize the header of rows and columns".

Applies to: Pivot Table control
aafPvtReverseRowColumnModifies the text of the context menu option used to reverse the rows and columns in a Pivot Table control.

The default text is "Reverse rows and columns".

Applies to: Pivot Table control
aafRemoveFilterChanges the text of the "Remove filter" option in the context menu of columns in Table and TreeView Table controls.

The default text is "Remove filter".

Applies to: Table or Treeview Table control
aafRTFToolbarModifies the text of the context menu used to display the RTF toolbar of RTF edit controls.

The default text is "RTF toolbar".

Applies to: RTF Edit control
aafSaveAsModifies the text of the context menu used to save:
  • the content of a Spreadsheet control in an xlsx file.
  • the Dashboard control in image format.
  • the content of an Image control in image format. The default text is "Save as".

Applies to:
  • Spreadsheet control
  • Dashboard control
  • Image control
aafSaveBreakStatusModifies the text of the context menu option used to store the status of breaks.

The default text is "Remember break states".

Applies to: Table control, Looper control
aafSaveFilterAndSortModifies the text of the context menu option used to store sorts.

The default text is "Remember sorts".

Applies to: Table control
aafSchAddAptModifies the text of the context menu option used to add a new appointment into the current Scheduler control.

The default text is "New appointment".

Applies to: Scheduler control
aafSchDeleteAptModifies the text of the context menu option used to delete the current appointment from the Scheduler control.

The default text is "Delete appointment".

Applies to: Scheduler control
aafSchEditAptChanges the text of the context menu option for editing an appointment in the current Scheduler control.

The default text is "Edit appointment".

Applies to: Scheduler control
aafSendFileByEmailModifies the text of the context menu used to send a file by email. This file can be:
  • the file whose path is found in an edit control.
  • the Organizer.pdf file that represents the printed version of the Organizer control.
  • the Scheduler.pdf file that represents the printed version of the Scheduler control.The default text is "Send by email".

Affected element:
  • File Path edit control.
  • Organizer control.
  • Scheduler control.
aafSortListOrComboModifies the text of the context menu option used to sort the content of a List Box or Combo Box control.

The default text is "Sort".

Applies to: List Box or Combo Box control.
aafSpellCheckModifies the text of the context menu used to open the Word spelling checker in an Edit control.

The default text is "Spell check".

Applies to: Edit control
aafTableToExcelModifies the text of the context menu option used to export the Table control content or content selection to Excel or to OpenOffice Calc (depending on the software installed on the user's computer).

The default text is "Export table to OpenOffice Calc".

Applies to: Table control, TreeView control, TreeView Table control, Looper control
aafTableToWordModifies the text of the context menu option to export the Table control content or content selection to Word or to OpenOffice Writer (depending on the software installed on the user's computer).

The default text is "Export table to Word".

Applies to: Table control, TreeView control, TreeView Table control, Looper control
aafTableToXMLModifies the text of the context menu option used to export the content of Table control or the selection performed in the Table control to XML.

The default text is "Export table to XML".

Applies to: Table control, TreeView control, TreeView Table control, Looper control
aafTabNewModifies the text of the option in the context menu of a dynamic tab used to create a menu.

The default text is "New".
Affected element: Dynamic Tab control
aafTodayModifies the text of the "Today" button in the calendar input window (Date Edit control with a calendar). It is thus possible to customize the text of this button or to translate it if necessary.

The default text is "Today"..

Applies to: Date Edit control
aafUncheckAllModifies the text of the context menu for the Check Box table columns used to uncheck all boxes.

The default text is "Uncheck all".

Applies to: Table or TreeView Table control
aafZoomModifies the text of the option in the context menu used to:
  • cancel the zoom in a Table, TreeView Table, Pivot Table, Spreadsheet or List Box control.
    The default text is "Cancel zoom".
    Applies to: Table, TreeView Table, Pivot Table, Spreadsheet or List Box controls.
  • cancel the zoom in a window.
    Applies to: Window.
<Caption>: Character string
  • New caption.
  • Empty string ("") to use the default text.
Business / UI classification: UI Code
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 21
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Last update: 02/02/2024

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