HUpdateView (Function) In french: HMiseAJourVue
Available only with this kind of connection
Creates or updates the description of an SQL view or materialized view from the analysis to an HFSQL server. // Updates the description of the view on the HFSQL server HUpdateView(MyConnection, MyView)
<Result> = HUpdateView(<Connection> , <View> [, <Force>])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the SQL or materialized view was created or updated.
- False if a problem occurs. HError is used to identify the error.
<Connection>: Character string or Connection variable Connection to the server on which the SQL or materialized view must be created or updated. This connection corresponds to: <View>: Character string Name of the SQL or materialized view to use. This view must be created or updated on the HFSQL server. <Force>: Optional boolean - False (default value): the view will be created or updated:
- if the view is found on the server.
- if an earlier version of the view is found on the server.
- True: the view will be updated in any case.
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