Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / HFSQL / Binding functions
  • Binding between a control and a WLanguage variable or between a control and a data file item
  • Section updates: Special cases
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Stored procedures
<Page>.ToFile (Function)
In french: <Page>.VersFichier
ODBCNot available with this kind of connection
Automatically updates:
  • the value of the items in a data file with the value of the controls in the page. The data file items bound to the page controls are automatically updated with the values of these controls.
  • the value of the WLanguage variables with the value of the page controls. The WLanguage variables bound to the page controls are automatically updated with the values of these controls.
This operation is performed regardless of the state of the controls (grayed, inactive or invisible).
  • The <Page>.ToFile function cannot be used to write to the data file: only the variables of the data file fields are assigned (i.e. the variables of the record loaded into memory).. To modify the records, use <Source>.Add, <Source>.Modify, <Source>.Write, etc.
  • PHP Only the binding to the data file items is supported. Bindings to WLanguage variables are not supported in this version.
// Click the "Add" button 
IF HErrorDuplicates() = True THEN Error("This number already exists")
<Page>: Page name
Name of the page that contains the controls.
<Source>: Optional character string
Name of the source containing the data to update. This source can be:
  • The name of a data file: only fields linked to a field in this data file are taken into account.
  • The name of a WLanguage variable. In this case, only the controls bound to the WLanguage variable are taken into account.
    • If the name of the variable is enclosed in quotes, the control will be bound to the specified variable.
    • If the name of the variable is not enclosed in quotes, the control will be bound to the variable data (e.g., a variable containing the name of another variable).
If this name is not specified, all the page controls bound to a data file item described in the data model editor or to a WLanguage variable will be taken into account.

Binding between a control and a WLanguage variable or between a control and a data file item

The binding between a control and a WLanguage variable or between a control and a data file item can be determined:
  • In the editor, in the control description window ("Binding" tab)
  • Programmatically, with the DataBinding property.

Section updates: Special cases

  • To automatically assign the NULL value to an item with <Page>.ToFile:
    1. Check "Support NULL values" in the data file description.
    2. Check "Allow NULL values" for the item in the data model editor.
    3. Check "Return NULL if empty" in the "Details" tab of the Edit control bound to the item.
  • The items of the data file that are not bound to a control are not updated by <Page>.ToFile.
  • If multiple controls in the window or page are bound to the same data file item, <Page>.ToFile may not update the bound item properly. It is not recommended to bind multiple controls of a window or page to the same item.
  • <Page>.ToFile does not update the items with the values from Image controls. Use the <Source>.LinkMemo function.
  • <Page>.ToFile is not available on views.
  • Link with "Secure password" fields The value of the "Secure password" field is not modified until the user modifies the value in the field linked to the field.
Component: wd300page.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 24
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Last update: 12/05/2024

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