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Stored procedures
The WithNewButton property is used to:
  • Determine if a Dynamic Tab control has a New tab button (+).
  • Configure a Dynamic Tab control to show a New tab button.
Reminder: The add cross allows the end user to open a new tab.
TAB_DynTab.WithNewButton = True
TAB_DynTab.WindowIfNew = "IW_Document"
TAB_DynTab.CaptionIfNew = "New tab"

Determining if a Dynamic Tab control has a New tab button (+) Hide the details

<Result> = <Tab control>.WithNewButton
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if all tabs in a Dynamic Tab control include a New button (+),
  • False if the tabs of a Dynamic Tab control do not include a New button.
<Tab control>: Control name
Name of the Tab control to be used.

Configuring a Dynamic Tab control to show a New tab button Hide the details

<Tab control>.WithNewButton = <New tab button>
<Tab control>: Control name
Name of the Tab control to be used.
<New tab button>: Boolean
  • True if the tabs of a Dynamic Tab control should display a New tab button,
  • False if the tabs of a Dynamic Tab control should not display a New tab button.
  • The "Create a tab" event is executed when the user clicks the "+" button. By default, a new tabs is created. However, you can prevent new tabs from being created using the "RETURN False" statement or SetFocusAndReturnToUserInput in the "Create a tab" event.
  • The default text and internal window used for the new tab can be defined:
    • in the Tab control description window ("Details" tab).
    • programmatically with the WindowIfNew and CaptionIfNew properties.
  • If the tabs do not have a New tab button, the "New" AAF (Automatic Application Feature) is disabled in the context menu of the tabs.
Minimum version required
  • Version 20
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Last update: 12/05/2024

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