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Help / Developing an application or website / User Groupware
  • Overview
  • How to?
  • Configuring, using and customizing the User Groupware
  • Notes
  • Operating mode of the User Groupware
  • Remark
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
A Windows application, an Internet or Intranet site require to define the role of different contributors. Several access levels can be defined according to the user. All users have different responsibilities and requirements. Their field of action must therefore be more or less limited.
For example, when a sales management application is implemented, it includes the following features:
  • Viewing the price list.
  • Modifying the price list.
  • Entering orders.
  • Entering customers.
Access may vary according to the user. For example:
  • administrative assistants can see the price list and create orders.
  • salesmen can see the price list, place orders and create new customers.
  • managers have access to all the options.
To manage these access levels in your WINDEV applications or WEBDEV websites, simply include the User Groupware. In just a few clicks, a standard application can be transformed into an application that manages several access levels. This feature can be easily implemented in a WINDEV application or in a WEBDEV website.
When running the application or site, the manager will be able to create users (identified by their username and password) and give them access to certain features.
Use conditions:
  • The User Groupware is available:
    • in WINDEV applications (Windows and Linux).
    • in dynamic WEBDEV websites (in Session or AWP mode) running on Windows and Linux.
    • in a mixed AWP/Standard site. In this case (project containing Active WEBDEV Pages and pages in Standard mode), the connection from an Active WEBDEV Page is transmitted to the standard section.
  • The User Groupware is not available in static, PHP or AJAX sites.
  • The encryption of the passwords found in the User Groupware is enabled by default when the User Groupware is included in a project. To enable this option in an existing groupware, see Encrypting passwords.
How to?
To implement User Groupware in your application, a single option suffices: under the "Project" pane, in the "Project" group, click on "User Groupware". For more details on the different options available, see User Groupware options.

Operating mode of the User Groupware

An application that uses the User Groupware has two levels:
  • user level
    The user logs in to the application or site via a window or page and accesses the available features.
  • supervisor level
    The supervisor logs in to the application via a window or page and accesses an advanced menu to configure users and their rights, or to launch the application. The configuration window/page allows the supervisor to:
    • start the application.
    • configure the groupware.
      Configuring the groupware consists in creating users and groups, associating users with groups as well as managing the rights granted to each user (or group) on each window/page found in the application. Rights can be defined for menu options, groups of controls and controls. The supervisor can gray out these elements, make them inactive or invisible. These configurations take precedence over any configuration defined in the program.
For more information on the groupware configuration defined by the supervisor, see:
  • The information about users and their rights is stored in HFSQL data files. These files can be common to several applications.
  • The User Groupware of the French version is not compatible with that of the International version: different analysis, different file names, variables with different names, etc.
  • If you have already configured the User Groupware with an earlier version (later than 17), no data migration is required to change to User Groupware management mode. The data is kept.
WEBDEV - Server codeWindows


In WEBDEV, the User Groupware stores the IP addresses of the Web users who use the website if history is enabled.
Related Examples:
WD User Groupware Training (WINDEV): WD User Groupware
[ + ] This example presents the operating mode of the User Groupware supplied with WINDEV.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ What is the User Groupware
2/ How can the User Groupware be included in my application
3/ How do I configure the User Groupware

Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:
This example presents some features proposed by the User Groupware of WINDEV. It is based on an example for managing the user accounts. Some users have the rights to view the accounts while other users have the rights to perform operations (transfer, loan…)
Minimum version required
  • Version 18
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Last update: 01/26/2025

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