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Help / Developing an application or website / User Groupware
  • Overview
  • User groupware with simple customization
  • Implementation
  • The integrated elements
  • Use example
  • User groupware with advanced customization
  • Implementation
  • The integrated elements
  • Getting the improvements made to the User Groupware
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Stored procedures
The groupware in automatic mode offers several possibilities. However, if you want to manage users and permissions more precisely, WEBDEV offers 2 levels of customization:
  • Simple customization: Simple customization can be activated:
    • by selecting "Manual start via a control template" in the "General" tab and/or "Customize login UI" in the "Options" tab.
    • by selecting "Automatic start" in the "General" tab and "Customize login UI" in the "Options" tab.
    In this case, only login and registration details can be customized. The project will take advantage of all the improvements made to the Groupware.
  • Advanced customization, which enabled by selecting the "Full customization (expert mode)".
    In this case, all the elements of the user groupware can be customized.
User groupware with simple customization


To implement the user groupware with simple customization:
  1. On the "Project" tab, in the "Project" group, click "User Groupware".
  2. In the description window of the current project configuration, in the "User Groupware: Disabled" area, click "Change".
  3. In the window that appears, enable the User Groupware.
  4. On the "General" tab, select "Manual start via a control template".
    Note: You can also keep the automation launch and select the "Customize login UI (login, registration)" option..
  5. Validate. The User Groupware is integrated into your project.
  6. An administrator account will be created during the first execution of application or site under the "supervisor" name. Then, the corresponding password can be specified.

The integrated elements

An internal component named "WDGPU_WB_CNT" is automatically integrated into the project.
This internal component contains all the elements used by the groupware to customize the connection:
  • various pages,
  • page templates,
  • a control template,
  • a set of procedures proposing several useful functions.
This internal component contains a control template ("TPLC_GPU_Connection") that is used to manage the connection. To add this control template, simply drag and drop it onto the desired pages (or templates).
Once it has been added, you can customize it:
  • by overloading the controls and/or the processes for small changes,
  • by directly modifying the control template for more important changes.

Use example

An AWP site proposes a public section and a private section. To access the private section, the Web user must identify himself.
In the menu, a "Specific access" option is used to display the authentication page.
The "TPLC_GPU_Connection" control template was included in the menu to manage the user authentication.
User groupware with advanced customization


To implement the user groupware with advanced customization:
  1. On the "Project" tab, in the "Project" group, click "User Groupware".
  2. In the description window of the current project configuration, in the "User Groupware: Disabled" area, click "Change".
  3. In the window that appears, enable the User Groupware.
  4. On the "Options" tab, select "Full customization (expert mode)".
Please note Once User Groupware has been customized in a project, the project will no longer benefit from any changes made to User Groupware. Therefore, it is recommended to switch to "custom" mode with great care and only if you want to make important modifications. Otherwise, it is recommended to use the User Groupware in automatic mode. To get the improvements made to the groupware, see "Improvements".
Note: User Groupware with advanced customization can be used at the same time as using a field template for login.

The integrated elements

When a project uses the custom User Groupware, an internal component called "WDGPU_WB" is automatically included in the project.
This internal component contains all the elements used by the groupware:
  • the groupware pages, for the classic mode and for the AWP mode,
  • the groupware analysis,
  • the queries,
  • two sets of procedures proposing several useful functions,
  • a class for context management.
All these elements can be modified: you can add an item into the "GPU_User" file or implement checks on some controls for example.

Getting the improvements made to the User Groupware

If you're customizing User Groupware, there's a way of recovering the various User Groupware evolutions: carry out a project comparison between your project that includes your modifications and the same project that includes an internal component with no modifications.
To do so:
  1. Create a copy of your project.
  2. In the "copy" project, delete the internal component named "WDGPU_WB".
  3. Then, ask to check this component back in via the window for configuring the groupware (open and re-validate the window to force the integration of the internal component).
  4. Start the project comparison: under the "Project" pane, in the "Other actions" group, pull down "Compare" and select "Compare two projects...".. Ask to compare the current project and the "copy" project.
  5. The "Management/Resolution of differences" window allows you to see all the differences between the elements from your modified internal component and the ones from the "standard" internal component.
You can then easily retrieve the improvements of the "standard" internal component you are interested in.
Minimum version required
  • Version 19
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Last update: 01/11/2025

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