UPNPFindDevice (Function) In french: UPNPCherchePériphérique Finds a device based on its unique name (UDN). Device is upnpDevice
Device = UPNPFindDevice("uuid:72047cc4-1dd2-11b2-87b7-0000aaae85f5", 51300)
IF ErrorOccurred THEN
Info("Device found")
<Result> = UPNPFindDevice(<Device name> , <Port> [, <Address> [, <Timeout>]])
<Result>: upnpDevice variable Name of the upnpDevice variable containing the characteristics of the sought device. <Device name>: Character string Unique name (UDN) of device to find. <Port>: Integer Port number used for the search. <Address>: Optional character string Address on which the search socket is created. <Timeout>: Optional integer or optional Duration Maximum timeout expressed in seconds. This parameter can correspond to: - an integer corresponding to the number of seconds,
- a Duration variable,
- the duration in a readable format (e.g., '1s', '10cs' or '10ms').
This parameter corresponds to 5 seconds by default. Remarks If the device is not found, the ErrorOccurred variable is set to True. Component: wd300device.dll
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