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The following functions are used to manage menus (prefix syntax):
<Menu>.AddAdds an existing context menu to the main menu of the current window.
<Menu>.AddMenuAdds a new menu to an existing drop-down or context menu of a window or page.
<Menu>.AddOptionAdds a new option after the last option of a drop-down or context menu.
<Menu>.AddPopupTransforms a menu option of a page in order for this option to open a popup.
<Menu>.AddSeparatorAdds a new separator in a menu (drop-down or context menu).
<Menu>.AddURLOptionAdds a new option after the last option of a drop-down or context menu. This menu option opens the page that corresponds to the specified URL.
<Menu>.CloneClones a menu or a menu option as well as the associated code.
<Menu>.DeleteDeletes a menu or a menu option.
<Menu>.ExistIndicates whether a menu option exists in a menu.
<Menu>.InsertMenuInserts a menu before another menu in a window.
<Menu>.InsertOptionInserts a new option at a specific position.
<Menu>.InsertSeparatorInserts a separator into a menu.
The following functions can also be used to manage menus:
<Chart>.MenuEnables or disables the context menu of a chart.
ControlContextMenuIdentifies the control on which the context menu was opened.
EmulateMenuEmulates the next menu that will be opened and automatically runs the menu option passed as parameter.
EnumMenuIn a loop, this function is used to enumerate the menu options of a window as well as the sub-options of a menu option.
EnumSubElementIn a loop, this function enumerates the drop-down or context menus of a window or control.
OpenContextMenuAutomatically opens a context menu for the current control or window.
Related Examples:
Managing the main menu of a window by programming Unit examples (WINDEV): Managing the main menu of a window by programming
[ + ] Handling the options found in the main menu of a window. This example is used to:
- Select or deselect a menu option
- Make a menu option visible or invisible
- Modifying the caption of a menu option
- Mark or unmark a menu option
- Run the code of a menu option
Minimum version required
  • Version 23
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Last update: 09/20/2024

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