Functions for managing menus (prefix syntax)
The following functions are used to manage menus (prefix syntax): | | <Menu>.Add | Adds an existing context menu to the main menu of the current window. | <Menu>.AddMenu | Adds a new menu to an existing drop-down or context menu of a window or page. | <Menu>.AddOption | Adds a new option after the last option of a drop-down or context menu. | <Menu>.AddPopup | Transforms a menu option of a page in order for this option to open a popup. | <Menu>.AddSeparator | Adds a new separator in a menu (drop-down or context menu). | <Menu>.AddURLOption | Adds a new option after the last option of a drop-down or context menu. This menu option opens the page that corresponds to the specified URL. | <Menu>.Clone | Clones a menu or a menu option as well as the associated code. | <Menu>.Delete | Deletes a menu or a menu option. | <Menu>.Exist | Indicates whether a menu option exists in a menu. | <Menu>.InsertMenu | Inserts a menu before another menu in a window. | <Menu>.InsertOption | Inserts a new option at a specific position. | <Menu>.InsertSeparator | Inserts a separator into a menu. |
The following functions can also be used to manage menus: | | <Chart>.Menu | Enables or disables the context menu of a chart. | ControlContextMenu | Identifies the control on which the context menu was opened. | EmulateMenu | Emulates the next menu that will be opened and automatically runs the menu option passed as parameter. | EnumMenu | In a loop, this function is used to enumerate the menu options of a window as well as the sub-options of a menu option. | EnumSubElement | In a loop, this function enumerates the drop-down or context menus of a window or control. | OpenContextMenu | Automatically opens a context menu for the current control or window. |
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Unit examples (WINDEV): Managing the main menu of a window by programming
[ + ] Handling the options found in the main menu of a window. This example is used to: - Select or deselect a menu option - Make a menu option visible or invisible - Modifying the caption of a menu option - Mark or unmark a menu option - Run the code of a menu option
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