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Stored procedures
Adds a new internal window to the list of internal windows browsed by an Internal Window control.
Caution: In edit mode, if an internal window is already associated with the Internal Window control, it will be replaced by the one added with IWListAdd.
IWListAdd(IW_InternalWindowControl, IW_InternalWindow1)
<Result> = IWListAdd(<Internal Window control> , <Internal window> [, <Parameter 1> [... [, <Parameter N>]]])
<Result>: Integer
  • Index of the added window,
  • 0 if an error occurs. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo.
<Internal Window control>: Character string
Name of the Internal Window control to use.
<Internal window>: Window name
Name of the internal window that must be associated with the control.
<Parameter 1>: Type of value sent to the window (optional)
First parameter that will be passed to the "Global declarations" event of the window to open. This parameter is passed by reference and it is considered as being a variable global to the window.
<Parameter N>: Type of value sent to the window (optional)
Nth parameter that must be passed to the "Global declarations" event of the window to open. This parameter is passed by reference and it is considered as being a variable global to the window.
  • To navigate between the different internal windows added to the control, you can:
  • The added internal windows are numbered from 1 to x, according to the order in which they are added into the list.
    • If an internal window is deleted by IWListDelete, the internal windows that follow the deleted window are re-numbered.
    • To insert an internal window into the list, use IWListInsert.
  • To modify the internal window currently displayed by the control, use ChangeSourceWindow.
  • Android For a browse performed on a data file or on a query: An exception will be triggered if this function is used.
  • Parameters passed to the internal window: Parameters are retrieved in the "Global declarations" event of the internal window. Simply write the following line of code at the start of the event:
    PROCEDURE <Window name>(<Parameter1> [, <Parameter2> [, ...]])

    For more details, see Window with parameters.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 18
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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