- Properties specific to the description of WebAddress variables
- Reinitialization
WebAddress (Type of variable) In french: AdresseWeb
The WebAddress type is used to define the advanced characteristics of a site address as well as its type (custom page, blog, ftp, etc.). The characteristics of this site address can be defined and modified by several WLanguage properties. This type of variable is used by the Contact variables. Remark: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
// Opens a browser on the Web site of a contact IF MyContacts.WebSite.Count > 0 THEN ASite is WebAddress = MyContacts.WebSite[1] BrowserRunApp(ASite.Address) END
Remarks Properties specific to the description of WebAddress variables The following properties can be used to handle a site address: | | | Property name | Type used | Effect |
Address | Character string | Web address. | Label | Character string | Label for "custom" addresses (optional). If the Type property is not set to the webCustom constant, the value of this property will be ignored. | Type | Integer constant | |
Reinitialization You can use VariableReset to reset the content of a WebAddress variable.
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