DayHeight (Property) In french: HauteurJour
The DayHeight property gets and sets the height of days in a Scheduler control where days are arranged in rows, and resources are arranged in columns.
IF CBOX_Zoom = True THEN SCH_MySchedule.DayHeight = 200 ELSE SCH_MySchedule.DayHeight = 100 END
Finding out the height of the days Hide the details
<Result> = <Scheduler control>.DayHeight
<Result>: Integer - Height of the days in pixels, if the height was modified through programming (with the DayHeight property).
- -1 in the following cases:
- if the height of the days is automatically calculated (via the information given in the description window of the control).
- if the resources are displayed by rows. In this case, you must use DayWidth and ResourceHeight.
<Scheduler control>: Control name Name of the Scheduler control used.
Modifying the height of the days Hide the details
<Scheduler control>.DayHeight = <New height>
<Scheduler control>: Control name Name of the Scheduler control used. <New height>: Integer - New height of the days expressed in pixels.
- -1 to automatically calculate the height of the days from the information given in the description window of the control.
Remarks - If the height of the days is defined with the DayHeight property, the days cannot be "anchored" according to the available size.
- Only the value -1 can be used. The other negative values are ignored.
- To modify the width of resources, use ResourceWidth.
- If breaks are found on the days, their height is returned by DayBreakHeight.
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