Multimedia functions (prefix syntax)
The Multimedia functions (prefix syntax) are used to manipulate media files associated with Multimedia controls.
| | <Multimedia>.Beginning | Positions at the beginning of the media file played in the Multimedia control. | <Multimedia>.Duration | Returns the size of the media file currently played (in milliseconds) in the Multimedia control. | <Multimedia>.End | Positions at the end of media file played in the Multimedia control. | <Multimedia>.Height | Returns the height (in pixels) of the source image of the media file played in the Multimedia control. | <Multimedia>.Pause | Pauses a media file played in a Multimedia control. | <Multimedia>.Play | Plays a media file in a Multimedia control. | <Multimedia>.Position | Returns or modifies the current position of the media file currently played in the Multimedia control. | <Multimedia>.Status | Indicates the status of the media file played in the Multimedia control. | <Multimedia>.Stop | Stops playing a media file found in a Multimedia control. | <Multimedia>.Volume | Returns or modifies the sound volume of the media file played in a Multimedia control. | <Multimedia>.Width | Returns the width (in pixels) of the source image of the media file played in the Multimedia control. |
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