Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Archive functions
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Stored procedures
Returns the size of one of the files found in the archive (in CAB, RAR, WDZ, ZIP, 7z, TAR or TGZ (TAR.GZ) format):
  • the size of compressed file.
  • the size of file before compression.
When extracting a file from an archive, we recommend that you compare the uncompressed size of the file with the available disk space.
  • LinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst Only ZIP, TAR and TGZ (TAR.GZ) archives are available.
  • AndroidAndroid Widget Only ZIP archives are available.
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MyArchive is zipArchive
// Open an archive
ResOpenArchive = MyArchive.Open("C:\MyArchives\")
// Size of "File.txt"
IF ResOpenArchive = 0 THEN
ResFileSize = MyArchive.FileSize("File.txt")

Finding out the size of a file identified by its index Hide the details

<Result> = <Archive>.FileSize(<File index> [, <Type of size>])
<Result>: Integer
Size of specified file.
<Archive>: zipArchive variable
Name of a variable of type zipArchive corresponding to the archive to use.
<File index>: Integer
Index of file whose size must be calculated. <zipArchive variable>.FindFile returns this index.
<Type of size>: Optional boolean
Type of calculation for the file size:
  • True: Size of compressed file.
  • False (default value): Size of file before compression.

Finding out the size of a file identified by its path Hide the details

<Result> = <Archive>.FileSize(<File path> [, <Type of size>])
<Result>: Integer
Size of specified file.
<Archive>: zipArchive variable
Name of a variable of type zipArchive corresponding to the archive to use.
<File path>: Integer
Stored path of file whose size must be calculated.
<Type of size>: Optional boolean
Type of calculation for the file size:
  • True: Size of compressed file.
  • False (default value): Size of file before compression.
Component: wd300zip.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 24
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Last update: 06/21/2023

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