HListScheduledOptimization (Function) In french: HListeOptimisationPlanifiée
Available only with this kind of connection
Lists the scheduled optimization tasks of HFSQL Client/Server data files for a connection. MaConnexion is Connection
tabOptim is array of hScheduledOptimization
tabOptim = HListScheduledOptimization(MaConnexion)
FOR EACH Optim OF tabOptim
<Result> = HListScheduledOptimization(<Connection>)
<Result>: Array of hScheduledOptimization variables Array of a variable of type hScheduledOptimization. Each element found in this array contains the characteristics of a scheduled optimization task. The number of elements in this array corresponds to the number of available scheduled optimization tasks. <Connection>: Character string or Connection variable Connection for which the scheduled optimization tasks must be listed. This connection corresponds to: Remarks Necessary rights To list the scheduled optimization tasks, you must have the rights to connect (hRightsConnection or hRightsEncryptedConnection constant) to each relevant database, For full server optimization, the user must be a superuser.
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