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Stored procedures
dbgEndMemoryDiff (Function)
In french: dbgFinDiffMémoire
Saves a memory dump containing the memory resources that have been allocated and that have not been freed since the previous call to dbgStartMemoryDiff.
This debugging method is used to isolate the memory resources of an operation that should be neutral for the memory. This allows you to correct the code and to add the potential missing freeing statements (queries no longer used, global object no longer used during the rest of the execution, etc.).
// Beginning of the memory diff
// before the operation that should be neutral for the memory


// Operation that should be neutral for the memory

// Save the memory dump
// after the operation that should be neutral for the memory

Saving the difference memory dump in the current dynamic audit

Remark: This syntax saves the memory dump in the dynamic audit file if auditing is active.. The function has no effect if the dynamic audit is not enabled.

Saving the difference memory dump in a file Hide the details

dbgEndMemoryDiff(<Dump file>)
<Dump file>: Character string
Name of the file where the dump is saved. The name of the file can be built with the following elements:
[%ExeDir%]Directory of the executable, always filled with the "\" character. This directory is equivalent to the result of fExeDir.
[%ExeName%]Executable name.
[%Date%]Start date of memory dump (YYYYMMDD format).
[%Time%]Start time of the memory dump (HHMMSS format).
[%UserName%]Name of the current user.
[%ComputerName%]Computer name.
[%DataDir%]Directory of the HFSQL data files specified by the user when installing the application. This directory is equivalent to the result of fDataDir.
[%DirUserData%]Directory for the data of the current user of the current application. This directory is equivalent to the result of fDataDirUser.
If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""):
  • The extension of the file will be ".wmem".
  • The name of the file created corresponds to: "[%RepDonneesUtilisateur%][%NomExe%]_[%Date%]_[%Heure%]".
    For example: "C:\Users\Doc\AppData\Roaming\Applications WINDEV\MyAppli\MyAppli_20091023_130812.wmem".
Warning: If you use dynamic string construction (option "Allow "[% %]" in the strings" in the "Compilation" tab of the project description, a compilation error will appear (unknown identifier).. In this case, each string must be preceded by '-%'. Example:
Component: wd300vm.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 15
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Last update: 09/20/2024

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