HInfoTask (Function) In french: HInfoTâche
Available only with this kind of connection
Returns the characteristics of a scheduled task in a hScheduledTask variable. You can for example read some characteristics of scheduled task in order to modify them later with HModifyTask. MaTâche is hScheduledTask
MaTâche = HInfoTask(MaConnexion, IDTâche)
MaTâche.Hour = SAI_Heure.Heure + 1
HModifyTask(MaConnexion, IDTâche, MaTâche)
<Result> = HInfoTask(<Connection> , <Scheduled task>)
<Result>: hScheduledTask variable hScheduledTask variable containing the characteristics of the specified scheduled task. <Connection>: Character string or Connection variable Connection for which a task must be managed. This connection corresponds to: <Scheduled task>: Integer Identifier of scheduled task, returned by HAddTask and HListTask. Remarks - To check the existence of a task, use the HListTask function: simply check whether the task identifier is present among the tasks returned by the HListTask function..
- To retrieve the characteristics of a scheduled task, you must have the rights to connect (hRightsConnection or hRightsEncryptedConnection) to the database that contains the stored procedure.
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