InMinutes (Property) In french: EnMinutes
The InMinutes property is used to convert a Duration variable to minutes. You can: - Find out the number of minutes corresponding to a duration.
- Modify the number of minutes corresponding to a duration.
StartDate is DateTime EndDate is DateTime MyDuration is Duration  StartDate = "200812251535" EndDate = "200812271812" MyDuration = EndDate - StartDate Trace(MyDuration.InDays)  // 2.109027777778 Trace(MyDuration.InHours)  // 50.61666666667 Trace(MyDuration.InMinutes) // 3037
MyDuration is Duration MyDuration.InDays = 1.5 Trace(MyDuration.InHours) Â // 36 Trace(MyDuration.InMinutes) // 2160
Finding out the number of minutes corresponding to a Duration variable Hide the details
<Result> = <Duration used>.InMinutes
<Result>: Real Number of minutes corresponding to the specified duration. <Duration used>: Duration Name of the Duration variable to be used.
Modifying the number of minutes corresponding to a Duration variable Hide the details
<Duration used>.InMinutes = <New duration>
<Duration used>: Duration Name of the Duration variable to be used. <New duration>: Real Number of minutes corresponding to the specified duration.
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Unit examples (WINDEV): Calculations on durations
[ + ] Calculations on dates and times with the WLanguage functions: - Calculate the duration between two moments (dates and times) - Calculate a sum of durations - Calculate an average of durations
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