| |
mContact.Anniversary | Date Anniversary's date of contact |
mContact.Birthday | Date Date of birth of contact |
mContact.CivilStatus | Character string. Gender of contact. |
mContact.Company | Character string. Name of the company where the contact works. |
mContact.CreationDate | Date Creation date of the contact |
mContact.Department | Character string. Department where the contact works. |
mContact.Email | Array of character strings. Email address of contact. To access the different email addresses of the contact, use the following format: mContact.Email[<Address Num>] Where <Address Num> corresponds to the number of the requested email address. The number of email addresses for a contact is returned by mContact.NbEmail. |
mContact.FirstName2 | Character string. Middle name of contact. |
mContact.FirstName | Character string. First name of the contact. |
mContact.HomeAddress | Character string. Contact address. |
mContact.HomeCity | Character string. Home city of the contact. |
mContact.HomeCountry | Character string. Country corresponding to the address of the contact. |
mContact.HomeFax | Character string. Fax number of the contact. |
mContact.HomePhone | Character string. Home phone number of the contact. |
mContact.HomeState | Character string. Home state of the contact. |
mContact.HomeZipCode | Character string. Zip code for the address of the contact. |
mContact.ID | Character string. Unique identifier of contact. |
mContact.LastModificationDate | Date Date of last contact modification. |
mContact.MobilePhone | Character string. Mobile phone of the contact. |
mContact.Name | Character string. Name of contact. |
mContact.NbEmail | Integer. Number of email addresses for the contact. |
mContact.Notes | Character string. Note attached to a contact and to his address. |
mContact.Occupation | Character string. Occupation of the contact. |
mContact.OfficeAddress | Character string. Business address of the contact. |
mContact.OfficeCity | Character string. Business city of the contact. |
mContact.OfficeCountry | Character string. Country corresponding to the business address of the contact. |
mContact.OfficeFax | Character string. Business fax number of the contact. |
mContact.OfficeMobilePhone | Character string. Business mobile phone of the contact. |
mContact.OfficePager | Character string. Pager number of the contact. |
mContact.OfficePhone | Character string. Business phone number of the contact. |
mContact.OfficeState | Character string. Business state of the contact. |
mContact.OfficeZipCode | Character string. Zip code for the business address of the contact. |
mContact.Out | Boolean. Indicates whether there is a current contact. |
mContact.Private | Boolean. Indicates whether the contact is private or not. |
mContact.WebSite | Character string. Address of Internet page of contact. |