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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / External file functions
  • Example: Opening a selected file
  • Example: Opening a selected sound file
  • Handling a multi-file picker
Example: Opening a selected file
// Declare the variables
FileNameAndPath is string
FileID is int
// Select file to open
FileNameAndPath = fSelect("C:\MyDirectories", "File.txt", ...
	"Select a file", "Text file (*.TXT)" + TAB + ...
	"*.txt" + CR + "All files (*.*)" + TAB + "*.*", "TXT", fselOpen + fselExist)
// Open file
FileID = fOpen(FileNameAndPath, foReadWrite)
// Display an error message if no file was opened
IF FileID = 1 THEN
   	// Processes in the opened file
   	// End of processes
Example: Opening a selected sound file
// --Code for window creation
	FileNameAndPath is string
// --Click code on BTN_SelectFile
// Initialization code
EventNum is int
// Declare the event used to play the selected sound file
EventNum = Event("PlaySound", WinInput(), 1624)
// Select a sound file
FileNameAndPath = fSelect("C:\MyDirectories", "", "Select a sound file", ...
		"Wave sound (*.WAV)" + TAB + "*.wav", "", fselOpen + fselExist + fselChange)
// End of event
// Processes in the selected file
// End of processes
// Procedure local to the window. This procedure is used to play the sound file
PROCEDURE PlaySound(wMessage, wParam, lParam)
FileName is fixed string of 261
// The file path cannot exceed 260 characters.

// Retrieve the string that contains the name of the file currently selected
//Transfer(&FileName, lParam, wParam)
FileName = StringRetrieve(lParam, srUnicodeAddress)
// FileName: string containing the name of the currently selected file
// lParam: address of the string containing the name of the file currently selected
// wParam: size of the string containing the name of the file currently selected

// Run the selected sound file
Handling a multi-file picker
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 10/29/2024

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