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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / External file functions
  • Example: Opening a selected file
  • Example: Opening a selected sound file
  • Handling a multi-file picker
Example: Opening a selected file
Reports and Queries
The following code is used to open a selected file. The file picker is opened in file opening mode (fselOpen constant). Only the existing files are displayed in the file picker (fSelExist constant). The selected file is opened in read/write.
// Declare the variables
FileNameAndPath is string
FileID is int
// Select file to open
FileNameAndPath = fSelect("C:\MyDirectories", "File.txt", ...
	"Select a file", "Text file (*.TXT)" + TAB + ...
	"*.txt" + CR + "All files (*.*)" + TAB + "*.*", "TXT", fselOpen + fselExist)
// Open file
FileID = fOpen(FileNameAndPath, foReadWrite)
// Display an error message if no file was opened
IF FileID = 1 THEN
   	// Processes in the opened file
   	// End of processes
Example: Opening a selected sound file
Reports and Queries
The following code is used to select a sound file (".WAV"). The file picker is opened in opening mode (fselOpen constant). Only the existing files are displayed in the file picker (fSelExist constant). When a click is performed on a file found in the file picker, the sound is played.
// --Code for window creation
	FileNameAndPath is string
// --Click code on BTN_SelectFile
// Initialization code
EventNum is int
// Declare the event used to play the selected sound file
EventNum = Event("PlaySound", WinInput(), 1624)
// Select a sound file
FileNameAndPath = fSelect("C:\MyDirectories", "", "Select a sound file", ...
		"Wave sound (*.WAV)" + TAB + "*.wav", "", fselOpen + fselExist + fselChange)
// End of event
// Processes in the selected file
// End of processes
// Procedure local to the window. This procedure is used to play the sound file
PROCEDURE PlaySound(wMessage, wParam, lParam)
FileName is fixed string of 261
// The file path cannot exceed 260 characters.

// Retrieve the string that contains the name of the file currently selected
//Transfer(&FileName, lParam, wParam)
FileName = StringRetrieve(lParam, srUnicodeAddress)
// FileName: string containing the name of the currently selected file
// lParam: address of the string containing the name of the file currently selected
// wParam: size of the string containing the name of the file currently selected

// Run the selected sound file
Handling a multi-file picker
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 10/29/2024

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