Help / Developing an application or website / Controls, windows and pages / Controls: Available types / Image control
  • Overview
  • Options of the description window
  • "General" tab
  • "UI" tab
  • "Details" tab
  • "Style" tab
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This help page presents the characteristics of an Image control found in a window.
Reminder: To create an Image control:
  1. On the "Creation" tab, in the "Usual controls" group, click "Image".
  2. Click at the desired location to create the control. The control appears in the editor.
To view the control characteristics, select "Description" in the context menu of the control.
Options of the description window

"General" tab

The "General" tab is used to define the displayed image and its characteristics.
Choosing the image displayed in the control:
The image displayed by the control is selected via the button, "Browse" option.
WINDEVAndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPad If the Image control allows displaying a PDF file, simply select the file to display. The following WLanguage properties are used to configure the displayed PDF page:
Used to find out and change the display mode of an image.
NumberPageUsed to find out the number of pages in a PDF file displayed in an Image control.
PageNumberUsed to find out and change the page number of a PDF file displayed in an Image control.
WINDEV Caution: Displaying a PDF file in an image requires the GDI+ framework.
AndroidiPhone/iPad To manage the DPIs of different devices, the name of image file must follow a specific format. For more details, see Android/iOS: Providing an image per DPI.
Other options: You can define:

"UI" tab

In the "UI" tab, you can define:
  • the initial state of the control,
  • whether or not a representation symbol is displayed in the control. This symbol is a thumbnail displayed by default to represent the Image control in the editor.
    Image with representation symbol
    Image with representation symbol
    Image without representation symbol
    Image without representation symbol
    This option can also be enabled/disabled for all Image controls in the options of window editor. For more details, see Options of the window editor.
  • the action performed during a right click,
  • the context menu associated with the control,
  • ...

"Details" tab

The "Details" tab is used to define:
  • The display parameters
    • Load in the background: This option is used to avoid locking the application if the image must be loaded from a site. An animation is automatically displayed in the Image control if necessary.
      Remark: If the Image control is found in a Looper control, the image is always loaded in background task (no matter whether the option is enabled or not).
    • WINDEVAndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac CatalystJava Orientate according to the Exif data of image: If this option is enabled, a photo will be automatically displayed in the proper direction (portrait or landscape) according to the Exif data of photo.
    • WINDEV Automatic scrollbars and zoom: This option is required to display the PDF files in the Image controls. If the PDF file cannot be entirely displayed in the Image control, scrollbars are displayed and the zoom is available by pressing Ctrl + mouse wheel. The zoom can also be handled through programming with Zoom.
    • AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPad Zoom and scroll with finger: This option is used to manage the multi-touch in the mobile applications. For more details, see Multi-touch in an Image control.
  • The animation options
    For more details, see Animating an image.
  • Click options
    For more details, see Clickable image in a window.

"Style" tab

The "Style" tab is used to define the style of different elements found in the Image control. You can define:
  • An animation when changing the image displayed in the control ("Control animation" element). The "Parameters" button is used to define the duration of animation.
  • A border ("Outside border" element).
  • A blurred shadow ("blurred shadow" element).
To define the image border:
  1. Select the "Outside border" element.
  2. Expand the "Border" list. The available borders are displayed.
    • The "Round xxx" options are used to define a round border. If these options are selected, a blue arrow allows you to open the window for style configuration in the "Style" tab.
    • The "Image (9-slice scaling)" option allows you to choose an image for the border and to configure it via 9-slice scaling.
    • The "Custom" option is used to define a custom border. If this option is selected, a blue arrow allows you to open the custom shape settings.
    • The "Round" option is used to create a round image. If these options are selected, a blue arrow allows you to open the configuration window (line thickness and style)
      Caution: To avoid being distorted, the display mode of the image must be homothetic.
Remark: The icon (to the right of the "Border" option) allows you to configure the shadow of the border. If a shadow is used, you can choose:
  • the X and Y offset of the shadow,
  • the percentage of opacity,
  • the blur radius,
  • the color of the shadow.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/12/2023

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