- Deleting elements
- Miscellaneous
ArrayDeleteAll (Function) In french: TableauSupprimeTout Deletes all elements: - from a one-dimensional or two-dimensional WLanguage array.
- from an associative array.
- an array property of an advanced type (gglAgenda event array, etc.).
- from a WLanguage queue.
- from a WLanguage stack.
- from a WLanguage list.
MyArray is array of 2 strings MyArray[1] = "WINDEV" MyArray[2] = "WEBDEV" // Delete all the elements ArrayDeleteAll(MyArray)
ArrayDeleteAll(<WLanguage variable>)
<WLanguage variable>: Array, Queue, Stack or List Name of the WLanguage variable to use. This variable can be:- an Array. This array must be a one-dimensional array or a two-dimensional array.
- a Queue.
- a Stack.
- a List.
Remarks Deleting elements - One-dimensional array: array size changes to 0. The array is not freed: new additions can be made without reallocating the array.
- two-dimensional array: only the rows of the array are deleted. The columns are kept. Therefore, ArrayAddLine can be used after ArrayDeleteAll.
- associative array: all elements of the array are deleted.
- Queue all elements in the queue are deleted.
- Pile: all items in the stack are deleted.
- List: all list items are deleted.
Note: To reset array elements to 0 or "" without changing the size of the array, use the VariableReset function..
Miscellaneous This function cannot be used with the fixed arrays.
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