Help / WLanguage / Managing databases / SQL functions
  • Lookup table between the different types of databases, their sources and their databases
  • Failure or success of connection
  • Connection to an HFSQL analysis
  • ODBC and OLE DB: Nesting connections
  • Connection to a database using ODBC
  • Native MySQL, MariaDB and PostgreSQL Connectors
  • Native MySQL, MariaDB and PHP Connectors
  • Connection to an ISAM database via ACCESS
  • Using a connection with NT authentication
  • Native Oracle Connector: managing the external authentication
  • SQL query (HExecuteSQLQuery or queries created in the query editor)
  • Connection to an HFSQL database in Java
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
Connects the current application to a database that must be interrogated via SQL.
PHP The SQL functions are used to handle the MySQL and MariaDB databases and the databases accessible by ODBC (HFSQL for example).
Linux SQLConnect is used to connect to an HFSQL Classic database, to an HFSQL Client/Server database or to a database accessible via ODBC.
Java For more details, see Java and database.
WEBDEV - Browser code The SQL functions are used to handle the local databases (such as Web SQL databases). Only the SQLFetch/SQLGetCol browse mode is available. For more details, see Accessing a database in local mode (SQLite).
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)AjaxODBC
// Example of connection via ODBC
ConnectionNum is int
SourceName is string
// Connection to a specific data source via ODBC MS ACCESS
// (note: some drivers open a file picker
// if no file is associated with this source)
SourceName = "MS Access 97 Database"
ConnectionNum = SQLConnect(SourceName, "", "", "", "ODBC")
IF ConnectionNum <> 0 THEN
// The connection was successful
// The connection failed: display an error message
Error("The connection to the data source " + SourceName + " failed." + CR + ...
"Error code: " + SQL.Error + CR + SQL.MesError)
// In any case (connection OK or not)
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeUser code (UMC)PHPAjaxNative Connectors (Native Accesses)
// Connection to a MySQL database:
// apollon computer, login "superv", test customer database
ConnectionNum is int
ConnectionNum = SQLConnect("apollon", "superv", "", "test")
WINDEVJavaUser code (UMC)
// Connection to a MySQL database using a JDBC driver:
SQLConnect("jdbc:mysql://" + myServer + "/" + mydatabase, "myself", "mypwd", "", ...
"JDBC", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
// Connection using an ODBC database:
SQLConnect("jdbc:odbc:MySource", "myself", "mypwd", "", "JDBC", "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver")
// Connection using an HFSQL database:
SQLConnect("MyAnalysis.WDD", "", "mypwd", "", "HFSQL")
// Connection using HFSQL with a Client/Server database:
SQLConnect("ServerName:port", "User", "Password", "DatabaseName", "HFSQLCS")
<Result> = SQLConnect(<Source> , <User> , <Password> [, <Database name> [, <Database type> [, <OLE DB provider> [, <Optional information>]]]])
<Result>: Integer
  • Connection identifier: this identifier is used by SQLChangeConnection.
  • 0 if an error occurs. To find out the error details, use SQLInfo.
<Source>: Character string
Name of data source (alse called Data Source Name). If the data source contains several "Databases", you must specify the name of the "Database" used (<Database name> parameter). For more details, see remarks.
PHPNative Connectors (Native Accesses) MySQL and MariaDB: This parameter corresponds to the name or IP address of the computer containing the database. For example, "Apollon".
Java URL for connecting to the database. This URL is specific to each driver. For example:
  • Connection to a MySQL database using a JDBC driver: "jdbc:mysql://" + myServer + "/" + mydatabase
  • Connection using an ODBC database: "jdbc:odbc:MySource"
  • Connection using HFSQL: "MyAnalysis.WDD"
Linux The source can be an HFSQL Classic or HFSQL Client/Server database.
WEBDEV - Browser code This parameter corresponds to an empty string ("").
<User>: Character string
User name. This name is optional for some data sources: in this case, use an empty string ("") for this parameter.
WEBDEV - Browser code This parameter is ignored.
<Password>: Character string
Password corresponding to the specified user. This password is optional for some data sources: in this case, use an empty string ("") for this parameter.
WEBDEV - Browser code This parameter is ignored.
<Database name>: Optional character string
Name of the database to use. For more details, see the Remarks.
  • If this parameter is specified, a dialog box specific to the driver is displayed during the connection. This dialog box may not be displayed according to the driver used.
  • If this parameter is not specified, no dialog box is displayed.
PHPNative Connectors (Native Accesses) MySQL and MariaDB: With Native MariaDB Connector, the database name is mandatory.
Java This parameter is ignored. The database must be specified in the connection URL. This URL is specific to each JDBC driver.
<Database type>: Optional character string
Type of accessed database. The types of databases installed on the current computer are returned by SQLListSource. For more details, see remarks.
Java Only the HFSQL and JDBC databases are accessible in this version. The databases accessed via the JDBC driver are reserved to a Java application.
WEBDEV - Browser code Only databases available via a browser are accessible.
<OLE DB provider>: Optional character string or constant
Name of OLE DB provider used. The most common ones are as follows:
"MSDAORA"Oracle (Microsoft)
or one of the following constants:
hODBCOLE DB provider for ODBC. Used to access an ODBC source declared in the ODBC data sources of Windows.
hOledbAccess97OLE DB provider for Access 97.
hOledbAccess2000OLE DB provider for Access 2000.
hOledbAccess2007OLE DB provider for Access 2007.
hOledbAccess2010OLE DB provider for Access 2010.
hOledbDBase5OLE DB provider for dBase 5.
hOledbExcel97OLE DB provider for Excel 97.
hOledbExcel2000OLE DB provider for Excel 2000.
hOledbExcel2007OLE DB provider for Excel 2007.
hOledbLotus4OLE DB provider for Lotus 4.
hOledbOracleOLE DB provider for Oracle.
hOledbSQLServerOLE DB provider for SQL Server.

Caution: To use an OLE DB connection, you must:
  • install MDAC version 2.6 or later (setup performed by WINDEV or WEBDEV when installing the application)
  • install the OLE DB provider corresponding to the database used.
Java Full name of the JDBC driver to use.
PHP This parameter is ignored.
WEBDEV - Browser code This parameter is ignored.
<Optional information>: Optional character string (not to be used with HFSQL or direct ODBC)
Used to specify the optional information. You can for example specify "Trusted_Connection=YES" in order to use a connection with authentication via the NT login. If several optional information must be specified, they must be grouped in a single character string and they must be separated by the ";" character.
OLE DBNative Connectors (Native Accesses) The keywords recognized by OLE DB and the Native Connectors are displayed on Optional connection information.
Java This parameter is ignored. The optional information must be specified in the connection URL. This URL is specific to each JDBC driver.
PHP This parameter is ignored.
WEBDEV - Browser code This parameter is ignored.

Lookup table between the different types of databases, their sources and their databases

Database typeSourceDatabase name
ACCESSName of Access file"" (empty string)
AS400Native AS/400 Connector (optional module)
DB2Native DB2 Connector (optional module)
Source defined in ODBC Administrator.
"" (empty string) or Database
Database name"" (empty string)
HFSQLCSName or address of serverDatabase name
INFORMIXNative Informix Connector (optional module)
JDBCURL for connecting to the database. This URL is specific to each driver.The database must be specified in the connection URL. This URL is specific to each JDBC driver.
HIVEURL for connecting to the Hive server.Database
MariaDBNative MariaDB Connector (optional module)
Database name
MySQLNative MySQL Connector (optional module)
Database name
POSTGRESQLNative PostgreSQL Connector (optional module)
Database name
ODBCSource defined in ODBC Administrator"" (empty string) or Database
OLEDBSource name"" (empty string)
ORACLENative Oracle Connector (optional module)
Name of the alias defined in SQL NET Easy configuration and in WDORAINS.
"" (empty string)
PROGRESSNative Progress Connector (optional module)
Source defined in ODBC Administrator.
"" (empty string) or Database
SQL AZURENative SQL Azure Connector (optional module supplied with the Native SQL Server Connector)
Server name.
If the name of the server is such as:, the login must have the following format: login@ServerName.
SQL SERVERNative SQL SERVER Connector (optional module)
Server name.
"" (empty string)
SYBASENative SYBASE Connector (optional module)
Name of server or its alias.
"" (empty string)
xBaseNative xBase Connector (supplied with the product)
WEBDEV - Browser code "Web SQL database"
Database available via a browser
(available in Chrome and Safari only)
"" (empty string)
"" (empty string)

PHP The following types of databases are supported: MySQL, MariaDB, ODBC, HYPER FILE, ORACLE or POSTGRESQL. We recommend that you use the corresponding hAccessxxx constant.
Java The following types of databases are supported: JDBC, HYPER FILE.
Linux The following types of databases are supported: HYPER FILE.

Failure or success of connection

If the connection is successful, the connection identifier can be used to change the connection (SQLChangeConnection).
If the connection fails, the SQL.Error and SQL.MesError variables are not initialized. For more details about the connection failure, use SQLInfo.
In any case (failure or success), the connection must be closed (SQLDisconnect).
PHP The disconnection is not required if the connection failed.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesJavaUser code (UMC)AjaxHFSQLHFSQL Client/ServerHyper File 5.5

Connection to an HFSQL analysis

To connect to an HFSQL analysis, use the following syntax:
SQLConnect("<Drive>:<Full path of analysis WDD>", "", "<Analysis password>")
For example:
  • After the connection to an HFSQL analysis, SQL.Connection returns -1.
  • For the HFSQL analysis, a single connection can be established at one time in the same project.
    If the analysis was already opened by HOpenAnalysis or if the project is associated with the analysis, SQLConnect does not re-open the analysis.
    On the contrary, if the analysis is not opened yet, it is automatically opened by SQLConnect.
  • If the HFSQL data files are not found in the current program directory or in the directory described in the analysis, the directory must be modified by HChangeDir.
  • If a password has been set for the analysis, it must be specified in the third parameter passed to SQLConnect.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)AjaxOLE DBODBC

ODBC and OLE DB: Nesting connections

For ODBC and OLE DB, you can nest multiple calls to SQLConnect (caution: this is not allowed with HFSQL databases).
The last opened connection is the current connection. SQLChangeConnection is used to modify the current connection.
SQLDisconnect disconnects the current connection.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)AjaxODBC

Connection to a database using ODBC

To connect to a database using ODBC, follow these steps:
  1. Configure the ODBC data source in the ODBC administrator (on the development computer or on the deployment computer).
  2. Use SQLConnect with the "ODBC" parameter.
Remark: You have the ability to use an OLE DB provider on ODBC. MDAC must be installed (on the development computer and on the deployment computer). The following syntax must be used:
<Result> = SQLConnect(<Source>, <User>, <Password>, ...
<Database name>, "OLE DB", hODBC)
Remark: The SQL.ODBCHandle variable is used to find out the handle of the ODBC connection for the other SQL functions on ODBC. A value is assigned to this variable the last time SQLConnect is called. SQL.ODBCHandle is set to -1 for the other connections.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeUser code (UMC)PHPAjaxNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Native MySQL, MariaDB and PostgreSQL Connectors

To open a connection to a MySQL, MariaDB or PostgreSQL database thorough a Native Connector (also called Native Access), you need to pass the following elements as parameters to SQLConnect:
  • the type of the database used, MySQL, MariaDB or POSTGRESQL.
  • the database name: it corresponds to the name given by the administrator of the MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL database.
Remark: The name of the MySQL or PostgreSQL data source can be replaced with the name or the IP address of the computer where the database is available. In any case, the name of the "Database" must be specified.
// Connection to a local MySQL database
ConnectionNum = SQLConnect("MySQLDatabase", "", "", "", "MySQL")
// or ConnectionNum = SQLConnect("MySQLDatabase", "User", "Password", "MyDatabase", "MySQL")
// Connection to a remote MySQL database
ConnectionNum = SQLConnect("", "User", "Password", "test", "MySQL")
WEBDEV - Server codeUser code (UMC)PHPAjaxNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Native MySQL, MariaDB and PHP Connectors

To open a connection in PHP:
  • to a MySQL database, it is recommended to pass the hNativeAccessMySQL constant as parameter to SQLConnect.
  • to a MariaDB database, it is recommended to pass the hNativeAccessMariaDB constant as parameter to SQLConnect.
The Native Connector (MySQL or MariaDB) is required to develop the WEBDEV site but it is not required for the site to operate: there is no need to install the Native Connector at the hosting company. Indeed, at run time, it is the MySQL/MariaDB client of the current PHP engine that is used.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)AjaxNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Connection to an ISAM database via ACCESS

The following syntax is used to connect to an ISAM database:
SQLConnect(<Database path>, <User>, <Password>,
<Database type>, "ACCESS")
<Database path>Path or full name (depending on the case) of the database accessed.
<User>User name. It is optional for some databases.
<Password>Password for this user. It is optional for some databases.
<Database type>Type of the database where the connection must be established (the corresponding ISAM driver must have been installed).
Type of database<Database type><Database path>
dBASE III"dBASE III"drive:\directory
dBASE IV"dBASE IV"drive:\directory
dBASE 5"dBASE 5.0"drive:\directory
Paradox 3.x"Paradox 3.x"drive:\directory
Paradox 4.x"Paradox 4.x"drive:\directory
Paradox 5.x"Paradox 5.x"drive:\directory
FoxPro 2.0"FoxPro 2.0"drive:\directory
FoxPro 2.5"FoxPro 2.5"drive:\directory
FoxPro 2.6"FoxPro 2.6"drive:\directory
Excel 3.0"Excel 3.0"Drive:\directory\file.xls
Excel 4.0"Excel 4.0"Drive:\directory\file.xls
Excel 5.0 or Excel 95"Excel 5.0"Drive:\directory\file.xls
Excel 97"Excel 8.0"Drive:\directory\file.xls
HTML Import"HTML Import"Drive:\directory\filename
HTML Export"HTML Export"drive:\directory

  • In order for the requested connection to be established, the corresponding ISAM driver must have have been installed. The setup program of MS OFFICE 97 proposes several ISAM drivers.
  • The ACCESS and ISAM databases are accessible in 32-bit mode only.
  • The WDMemoBinary WLanguage keyword, used to add or change a binary memo via an SQL query, is not supported by the HFSQL engine and the ACCESS driver. For an HFSQL database, use memo-specific functions.
    You can also use:
    • the 'UNHEX' SQL function with hexadecimal content
    • the WL.Decode function with the encodeBASE64NoCR constant and a string encoded in Base64.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)AjaxOLE DB

Using a connection with NT authentication

The following syntax allows you to establish a connection with NT authentication:
SQLConnect(<MyDatabase>, Null, Null, Null, "OLEDB",
<OLE DB provider>, "Trusted_Connection=YES")
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

Native Oracle Connector: managing the external authentication

To connect via an external authentication, the following connection parameters must be used:
  • <User> = / (slash)
  • <Password> = "" (empty string)
Remark: The external authentication consists in using the name of Windows user and his password to connect to the database. The external authentication requires configuring the server. See the Oracle documentation to learn more about how to authorize external authentications on the server.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeUser code (UMC)AjaxHFSQLHFSQL Client/ServerHyper File 5.5OLE DBODBCNative Connectors (Native Accesses)

SQL query (HExecuteSQLQuery or queries created in the query editor)

When using the SQL DELETE, INSERT or UPDATE statements, no integrity check and no duplicate check are performed on an HFSQL database. This feature is not available in this version.
Solution: Use the HFSQL functions (HDelete, HAdd or HModify) on your data files. The integrity check and the duplicate check will be automatically performed.

Connection to an HFSQL database in Java

To connect to an HFSQL database in Java, you must use the following syntax:
<Result> = SQLConnect(<MyAnalysis.WDD>, <User>, <Password>, "", "HYPERFILE")
The following files and the generated Java archive must be found in the same directory: <MyAnalysis.WDD>, WDxxxjav.dll, wdxxxhf.dll and wdxxxsql.dll.
For more details, see Java and database.
Component: wd270hf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Exemplo de conexao em outra porta do Postgresql
nDBConnection = SQLConnect("",sUser,sPassword,sDBName,"PostgreSQL","","Server Port = 15433")

by Ronei Heck
12 Apr. 2023

Last update: 05/26/2022

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