- Registry
- Information automatically saved in the registry
- Web service
ProjectInfo (Function) In french: ProjetInfo Returns specific information about the project currently run.
Info("Welcome to " + ProjectInfo(piProjectName))
<Result> = ProjectInfo([<Type of information>])
<Result>: Character string Desired information. <Type of information>: Optional integer constant Type of information to return: | | piAnalysis | Physical name without extension of the .WDD file used by the project or by the component. A short name is returned.
Multi-analysis projects: Only the name of the main analysis is returned.
| piApplicationCCDataPath | Path of data directory for the Control Centers defined when creating the executable, the library or the component. If this constants is used in a component, gives the path of the data directory for the application that uses it. This constant is mainly used with the "Feedback" component.
| piApplicationEmail | Email defined when creating the executable, the library or the component. If this constant is used in a component, gives the email of the application that uses it.
| piApplicationInternetAddress | Internet address defined when creating the executable, the library or the component. If this constant is used in a component, gives the Internet address of the application that uses it.
| piCCDataPath | Path of data directory for the Control Centers defined when creating the executable, the library or the component. If this constant is used in the project, gives the path of data directory corresponding to the project. If this constant is used in a component, gives the path of data directory corresponding to the component. This constant is mainly used with the "Feedback" component.
| piCompany | Name of company specified when creating the executable.
| piConfiguration | Name of the project configuration used to generate the executable file or the component currently run. | piCopyright | Copyright defined when creating the executable.
| piDescription | Description of company defined when creating the executable.
| piEmail | Email defined when creating the executable, the library or the component. If this constant is used in the project, gives the email corresponding to the project. If this constant is used in a component, gives the email corresponding to the component.
| piEXEName | Name of the executable file specified when it was created. In test mode (GO), the executable name corresponds to "" (empty string).
| piGenerationDate | Generation date of application or component library (WDL).
| piInternetAddress | Internet address defined when creating the executable, the library or the component. If this constant is used in the project, gives the Internet address corresponding to the project. If this constant is used in a component, gives the Internet address corresponding to the component.
| piNameCurrentProject | Name of the project in which ProjectInfo is called. If this constant is used in the code of the main project, the result is the name of the main project. If this constant is used in an external library, the result is the name of the main project. If this constant is used in a component, the result is the name of the component project.
| piNameDeployedSite | Real name of the site deployed (for a WEBDEV website during a multisite deployment). In the other cases, the result corresponds to an empty string (""). | piNewFeaturesHelpContext | Context number of the page to display in the help file for the new features.
| piNewFeaturesHelpName | Name of help file for the new features.
| piProjectName (Default value) | Project name | piRegistry | Path in the registry where the information specific to the project can be saved.
| New in version 2025piVersion | Version number of the application's main library (WDL file). In the case of web services (SOAP or REST), the result is an empty string ("").
Remarks Registry ProjectInfo is used to find out the path of registry directory where the information regarding the application will be stored. In test mode, this path has the following format: - In WINDEV: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PC SOFT\WinDev\30.0\TestMode\Project name
- In WINDEV Mobile: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\PC SOFT\WINDEV Mobile\30.0\TestMode\Project name
At runtime (from an executable), this path has the following format: - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\APPLICATIONS_WINDEV\Executable name: if no company name or version has been specified when creating the executable.
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Company name\Executable name: if a company name was specified when the executable was created (without version number).
Reminder: To create an executable, under the "Project" pane, in the "Generation" group, click on "Generate".
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