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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / List Box functions
  • Last element
  • Equivalence
  • Miscellaneous
  • Selecting an element in a List Box control that belongs to a Looper control
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Stored procedures
Selects one or more elements in a List Box, ListView or Combo Box control.
The element is selected but it is not displayed if it is not visible. To make the selected element visible, use ListPosition.
Reminder: The element selected corresponds to the current element on which selection bar is displayed.
Note: The ListSelectPlus function can be used on both:
  • List Box controls based on a data file or populated programmatically,
  • single-selection or multi-selection List Box controls.
// Sélection de l'élément dont l'indice est 7 dans le champ "LISTE_ListeClient"
ListSelectPlus(LISTE_ListeClient, 7)
ListSelectPlus(<List Box control> [, <Index 1> [... [, <Index N>]]])
<List Box control>: Control name
Name of List Box (or Combo Box) control to use.
If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the element specified by its index is selected in the List Box control (or Combo Box) to which the current event belongs.
WEBDEV - Browser code The name of the List Box (or Combo Box) control to use must be specified.
<Index 1>: Optional integers
Index of the first element to be selected.
If no index is specified, all the elements in the specified List Box or Combo Box control are selected.
ListSelectPlus has no effect if these parameters correspond to elements that are already selected.
<Index N>: Optional integer
Index of the Nth element to be selected.
If no index is specified, all the elements in the specified List Box or Combo Box control are selected.
ListSelectPlus has no effect if these parameters correspond to elements that are already selected.

Last element

To position on the last element of List Box control, use the following syntax:
ListeSelectPlus(<Champ Liste>, <Champ Liste>.Occurrence)
<Champ Liste> = <Champ Liste>.Occurrence
<Champ Liste> = ListeOccurrence(<Champ Liste>)


For a single-selection List Box control without calling gStoredValue, the two following syntaxes are equivalent:
ListeSelectPlus(<Champ Liste>, <Indice>)
<Champ Liste> = <Indice>


  • To select an element in a Table control, use TableSelectPlus.
  • ListSelectPlus can be used on a "Combo Box" table column.
  • ListSelectMinus allows you to deselect the elements of a List Box or Combo Box control.
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codeAjax

Selecting an element in a List Box control that belongs to a Looper control

To select an element in a List Box control included in a Looper control, you must:
  1. Declare an attribute of the Looper control on the value of List Box control.
  2. In the code of a button (for example), specify the new attribute value for the requested row.
For example, if the attribute is ATT_SELECTROW, the following code will be used to select the 3rd element of List Box control in the 4th row:
This code can be used in server code and in browser code.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Control Combo in Container Looper/Table
Como alterar a exibição do conteúdo de um combobox antes de abrir a tela?

Simples, faça os seguintes passos:

a) Click com o direito do mouse na Table grid da tela ou no Looper e click na opção CODE

b) localize o EMBED CODE = "Displaying a Row of Tablegrid" e adicione essa linha de codigo

TableGrid_ControlItens[TableGrid_ControlItens].COL_Status.COMBO_Status = 3

Assim o controle combo que está num container dentro do table vai mudar o valor exibido da combo, no meu caso coloquei 3 mas poderia ser uma coluna oculta do Table, sendo uma ótima estratégia POG, e no mesmo local em "Displaying a Row of Tablegrid" coloque o seguinte código:

TableGrid_ControlItens[TableGrid_ControlItens].COL_Status.COMBO_Status = TableGrid_ControlItens[TableGrid_ControlItens].COL_StatusHide


Qualquer dúvida entre em contato!

Bons estudos!!!!
15 May 2019
How to change the display of contents of a combobox before opening the screen?
How to change the display of contents of a combobox before opening the screen?

Simple, take the following steps:

a) Click with the right mouse in the Table grid of the screen or Looper and click on the option CODE

b) find the EMBED CODE = "Displaying a Row of Tablegrid" and add this line of code

TableGrid_ControlItems [TableGrid_ControlItens] .COL_Status.COMBO_Status = 3

So the combo control that is in a container inside the table will change the displayed value of the combo, in my case I put 3 but could be a hidden table column, being a great POG strategy, and in the same place in "Displaying a Row of Tablegrid "put the following code:

TableGrid_ControlItems [TableGrid_ControlItens] .COL_Status.COMBO_Status = TableGrid_ControlItems [TableGrid_ControlItens] .COL_StatusHide


Any questions please contact us!

Good studies !!!!
15 May 2019

Last update: 09/19/2024

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