- Displaying an element at the beginning of a List Box control (syntax 1)
- Limitations
- Miscellaneous
ListPosition (Function) In french: ListePosition Displays a List Box or ListView control from a specified element or returns the index of the first element displayed in a List Box control (if the scrollbar was used). Note: The ListPosition function can be used on both: - List Box controls based on a data file or populated programmatically,
- single-selection or multi-selection List Box controls.
ResPosition = ListPosition(LIST_CustomerList)
Displaying a List Box control from a specified element Hide the details
ListPosition(<List Box control> , <Element index>)
<List Box control>: Control name Name of the List Box control to be used. If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the element is displayed at the beginning of the List Box control to which the current event belongs. <Element index>: Integer Index of the element to be displayed at the beginning of the List Box control. A WLanguage error occurs if this parameter is greater than the number of elements found in the List Box control (returned by ListCount).If this parameter is equal to 1, the List Box control is repositioned at the beginning.
Getting the index of the first element displayed in a List Box or Combo Box control Hide the details
<Result> = ListPosition(<List Box control>)
<Result>: Integer Index of the first element displayed in the specified List Box control. <List Box control>: Control name Name of the List Box control to be used. If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the index of the first element in the List Box control to which the current event belongs is returned. Remarks Displaying an element at the beginning of a List Box control (syntax 1) The element displayed at the beginning of the List Box control may differ from the desired element. ListPosition positions the element that allows you to display a maximum of rows at the beginning of the control. If there are not enough elements displayed below the specified element, this element cannot be displayed at the beginning of the control. For example, the element "Durand Jacques" cannot be displayed at the beginning of the List Box control: there are not enough elements displayed below this element..
Limitations ListPosition cannot be used on List Box controls based on a data file in "manual" mode that use a bouncing scrollbar. Reminder: - A List Box control based on a data file in "manual" mode is a List Box control programmatically linked to a data file.
- With a bouncing scrollbar, you can make the scrollbar scroll by keeping the mouse button pressed on the scrollbar button or by keeping the arrow keys (top or down arrow) pressed.
Miscellaneous - To display an element at the beginning of a Table control or to get the index of the first element displayed in a Table control, use TablePosition.
- ListPosition can be used on a "Combo Box" table column.
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