- Type of search
- parameter
- Uppercase/Lowercase characters
- Seeking and selecting an element in a List Box or Combo Box control
- Search in a List Box control or Combo Box control linked to data: search on the stored value or on the displayed value
- Search and selection in a List Box control linked to data
- Miscellaneous
ListSeek (Function) In french: ListeCherche Seeks an element in a List Box control (standard list box or listview) or in a Combo Box control (including the values described by gStoredValue). Note: The ListSeek function can be used on both: - Data-linked List Box control or Programmed List Box control,
- single-selection or multi-selection List Box controls.
ResSeek = ListSeek(LIST_CustomerList, "Moore")
<Result> = ListSeek(<List Box control> , <Search element> [, <Type of search> [, <Start of search>]])
<Result>: Integer - Index of the element found.
- -1 if no element corresponds to the search.
The element found is not selected. To select the element found, use ListSelectPlus.
<List Box control>: Control name Name of List Box (or Combo Box) control to use.
If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the element is searched in the control to which the current event belongs.
<Search element>: Character string Element to find in the specified List Box (or Combo Box) control. <Type of search>: Optional boolean - True (default value) for an exact-match search,
- False for a generic search.
<Start of search>: Optional integer Index from which the search will start in the List Box or Combo Box control. If this parameter is not specified, the search is performed in the entire control. This parameter is ignored for controls manipulated programmatically.
Remarks Type of search - Exact-match search:
The elements whose value is strictly equal to <Search element> are returned by ListSeek. For example:
ListSeek(LIST_Name, "Doe")
- Generic search:
The elements starting with <Search element> are returned by ListSeek. For example:
ListSeek(LIST_Name, "SMI", False)
<Start of search> parameter The <Start of search> parameter is used to find all the occurrences of a string in a List Box or Combo Box control. For example, to count the number of names starting with "SMI" in the "LIST_CustomerList" control:
Index is int
Cnt is int = 0
Subscript = ListSeek(LIST_CustomerList, "SMI", False)
WHILE Index <> -1
Index = ListSeek(LISTE_ListeClient, "DUP", False, Index + 1)
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