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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Chart functions
  • Creating and drawing a chart programmatically
  • Charts and threads
  • Simultaneous calls
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Draws a chart according to the specified parameters.
  • grDraw takes into account the new parameters specified since the last call to this function.
  • This function must not be used for the Chart controls found in the report editor.
Linux Caution: Using this function under Linux requires a specific configuration.. For more details, see The charts.
// Dessin d'un graphe créé par programmation
// Dessin d'un graphe dans un champ Graphe
grDraw(<Chart name>)
<Chart name>: Control name or character string
This name can correspond to:
  • the name of the chart to draw, defined by grCreate.
  • the name of Chart control (found in a window or in a page).
Android Only Chart controls are available.
PHP Only interactive Chart controls are available.

Creating and drawing a chart programmatically

To create and draw a chart:

Charts and threads

A single chart can be handled in a thread.
  • Two threads cannot handle the same chart.
  • A chart created in a thread is automatically destroyed at the end of this thread. The chart exists in the thread that contains the call to grCreate.
Note: grDraw should not be called in a thread.. The call to this function outside the main thread may trigger deadlocks and/or unexpected behaviors.

Simultaneous calls

grDraw is a non-blocking function. If he chart is drawn with an animation, the function will give control back as soon as the animation starts. Therefore, if several charts are drawn in the same window, the controls can be animated simultaneously.
Related Examples:
WD Chart Training (WINDEV): WD Chart
[ + ] This example presents the different uses of the Chart control.
Different types of charts are presented:
- Pie
- Sunburst
- Line
- Scatter
- Column
- Area
- etc.

The main features presented here are the possibility to customize of charts from the code, as well as to fill the chart from an HFSQL data file, or in the editor.
The Chart functions Unit examples (WEBDEV): The Chart functions
[ + ] This example presents the main features of the chart designer of WEBDEV and it allows you to:
- Create a chart: Pie, Column or Line
- Define the display area of a chart
- Define the options of the chart (legend, percentage, ...)
The Chart control Unit examples (WINDEV Mobile): The Chart control
[ + ] Using the Chart control to display different types of charts:
- Pie (or pie chart)
- Line
- Column chart
- Area
The Chart functions Unit examples (WINDEV Mobile): The Chart functions
[ + ] Using the Chart functions:
- create a Pie, Column or Line chart by programming
- define the chart options (legend, percentage, ...)
WM Click on Chart Cross-platform examples (WINDEV Mobile): WM Click on Chart
[ + ] The "WM Click on Chart" example proposes a solution for pulling out the sections of a Pie chart via a simple click.
This example includes a control template named "TPLC_PullOutChart". This control template is used to pull out the chart sections via a simple click.
To include this feature in another application, all you have to do is import the "TPLC_PullOutChart" template.
Component: wd300grf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Exemplo de Atualizar Grafico
//Click Btn_Atualizar_Grafico

//Atualizar Grafico

//Blog com Video e Exemplo Atualizar Grafico
20 May 2016

Last update: 09/21/2024

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