Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Chart functions
  • Creating and drawing a chart programmatically
  • WMF file for destination
  • Differences between grDestinationWMF and grSaveWMF
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From version 14, this function is kept for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use grDestinationEMF.
Defines a meta file as chart destination. This metafile is created during the call to grDraw.
  • It is recommended to use grDestinationEMF.
  • This function cannot be used with the Chart controls.
  • This function cannot be used in the report editor.
// Define the "C:\Charts\Chart.WMF" file as destination of "MyChart"
grDestinationWMF("MyChart", "C:\Charts\Chart.WMF")
grDestinationWMF(<Chart name> , <Metafile name>)
<Chart name>: Character string
Name of chart to use, defined by grCreate.
<Metafile name>: Character string
Name of meta file where the chart will be saved. This metafile is created when grDraw is called.

Creating and drawing a chart programmatically

To draw a chart:

WMF file for destination

  • During the next call to grDraw, the chart will be drawn in the meta file named <Name of Meta File>.
  • This file can be read by a tool that recognizes WMF format.
  • The size of this meta file can be defined by grWndSize.
  • We recommend that you preview the chart before it is saved in a file.

Differences between grDestinationWMF and grSaveWMF

  • grDestinationWMF is used to define the destination of the next chart drawing. When grDraw is used, the chart will be drawn in the specified file and all the changes made since the chart was last drawn will be taken into account.
  • grSaveWMF is used to save the chart in a file in WMF format. The image saved corresponds to the chart during the last call to grDraw. The changes made to the chart since grDraw was last called will be ignored.
Component: wd300grf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 12/10/2024

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