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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Chart functions
  • Tooltip options to configure
  • Enabling/Disabling the tooltip
  • Formatting the elements displayed in the tooltip
  • Customizable tooltip via an internal window
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Displays and formats:
  • the tooltip associated with each portion of a graph (sector for a pie chart, bar for a column chart, etc.). This function also gets the characteristics of the tooltip associated with each section of the chart.
  • a custom tooltip, associated with a point.
By default, a tooltip is automatically displayed (grShowTooltip set to True) when a chart is hovered by the mouse cursor.
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser code In a page of a WEBDEV website, the chart must be interactive in order for the tooltip to be displayed. To make the chart interactive, check "Interactive chart" in the "Details" tab of the control description.
// Chart created programmatically
i is int
// Create the chart
grCreate("MyChart", grPie)
// Destination of the chart
grDestinationControl("MyChart", IMG_Image1)
// Display the percentages
grLabel("MyChart", grShowPercent, True)
// Add data
nValue is int
FOR i = 1 TO 200
	nValue = Random(30)
	grAddData("MyChart", 1, nValue)
	grCategoryLabel("MyChart", i, "Test" + i)
	grSeriesLabel("MyChart", 1, "Test series")
grTooltip("MyChart", grTooltipFormatPie, -%"[%SERIES%]" + CR + ...
	-%"[%CATEGORY%]" + CR + -%"[%%%]")
grTooltip("MyChart", grShowTooltip, True)
// Draw the chart
// Chart control
// Display the percentages on a column chart
grLabel(CHART_MyChart, grShowPercent, True)
grTooltip(CHART_MyChart, grTooltipFormat, -%"[%SERIES%]" + CR + -%"[%CATEGORY%]" + ...
	CR + -%"[%VALUE%]")
grTooltip(CHART_MyChart, grShowTooltip, True)
// Draw chart in Chart control
// Chart control
// Display a specific tooltip for a point
grTooltip(CHART_MyChart, 1, 2, "The tooltip content")
// Draw chart in Chart control

Displaying and formatting the tooltip associated with a chart Hide the details

grTooltip(<Chart name> , <Tooltip option to configure> , <Tooltip option value>)
<Chart name>: Control name or character string
Name of the chart to be used. This name corresponds to:
  • the name of the chart defined programmatically with grCreate.
  • the name of the Chart control in the window editor.
Android Only Chart controls are available.
WEBDEV - Browser codePHP Only interactive Chart controls are available.
<Tooltip option to configure>: Integer constant
Enables or disables the tooltip and configures its characteristics.
New in version 2025
Name of the internal window used to display a custom bubble.
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHP Constant not available.
grShowTooltipEnables or disables the tooltip.
grTooltipFormatDefines the tooltip format.
grTooltipFormatBubbleChartDefines the tooltip format in a Bubble chart.
Android This constant is not available.
grTooltipFormatCrosshairHeaderDefines the format of the chart crosshair header.
grTooltipFormatHeatMapDefines the tooltip format in a Heatmap chart.
Android This constant is not available.
grTooltipFormatPieDefines the tooltip format in a Pie chart.
grTooltipFormatRangeAreaDefines the tooltip format in a Range Area chart.
grTooltipFormatScatterDefines the tooltip format in a Scatter chart.
Android This constant is not available.
grTooltipFormatStockDefines the tooltip format in a Stock chart.
Android This constant is not available.
grTooltipFormatWaffleDefines the tooltip format in a Waffle chart.
<Tooltip option value>: Character string or boolean
Value of the selected tooltip option. This value depends on the selected option (see the above table).

Getting the characteristics of the tooltip associated with a chart Hide the details

<Result> = grTooltip(<Chart name> , <Tooltip option>)
<Result>: Type corresponding to the option (boolean or character string)
Value of the search option.
<Chart name>: Control name or character string
Name of the chart to be used. This name corresponds to:
  • the name of the chart defined programmatically with grCreate.
  • the name of the Chart control in the window editor.
Android Only Chart controls are available.
WEBDEV - Browser codePHP Only interactive Chart controls are available.
<Tooltip option>: Integer constant
Tooltip option whose value you want to get.
New in version 2025
Name of the internal window used to display a custom bubble.
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHP Constant not available.
grShowTooltipEnables or disables the tooltip.
grTooltipFormatDefines the tooltip format.
grTooltipFormatBubbleChartDefines the tooltip format in a Bubble chart.
Android This constant is not available.
grTooltipFormatCrosshairHeaderDefines the format of the chart crosshair header.
grTooltipFormatHeatMapDefines the tooltip format in a Heatmap chart.
Android This constant is not available.
grTooltipFormatPieDefines the tooltip format in a Pie chart.
grTooltipFormatRangeAreaDefines the tooltip format in a Range Area chart.
Android This constant is not available.
grTooltipFormatScatterDefines the tooltip format in a Scatter chart.
Android This constant is not available.
grTooltipFormatStockDefines the tooltip format in a Stock chart.
Android This constant is not available.
grTooltipFormatWaffleDefines the tooltip format in a Waffle chart.

Displaying and customizing the tooltip associated with a point Hide the details

grTooltip(<Chart name> , <Series number> , <Category number> , <Tooltip value>)
<Chart name>: Control name or character string
Name of the chart to be used. This name corresponds to:
  • the name of the chart defined programmatically with grCreate.
  • the name of the Chart control in the window or page editor.
Android Only Chart controls are available.
WEBDEV - Browser codePHP Only interactive Chart controls are available.
<Series number>: Integer
Number of the series to use.
<Category number>: Integer
Number of the category to use.
<Tooltip value>: Character string
Custom text of the tooltip associated with the point.

Tooltip options to configure

ConstantEffectOption value
grShowTooltipEnables or disables the tooltip.Boolean
  • True (by default) to enable the tooltip,
  • False to disable the tooltip.
  • Tooltip parameters are not reset on display.
  • The constant grBulleActive must be used to activate the bubble, regardless of the bubble's settings.
grTooltipFormatDefines the tooltip format.Character string
  • Empty string to use the default format.
  • Combination of the following strings:
    [%SERIE%]: Displays the series label (defined with the grSeriesLabel function)..
    [%CATEGORY%]: Displays the category label (defined with the grCategoryLabel function)..
    [%VALUE%]: Displays the value
    Example: "[%VALUE%]"+CR+"[%CATEGORY%]"
The default format is: "[%CATEGORY%]"+RC+"[%SERIES%]"+"="+"[%VALUE%]"
grTooltipFormatStockDefines the tooltip format in a Stock chart.Character string
  • Empty string to use the default format.
  • Combination of the following strings:
    [%SERIE%]: Displays the series label (defined with the grSeriesLabel function)..
    [%CATEGORY%]: Displays the category label (defined with the grCategoryLabel function)..
    [%MAX%]: Displays the session's maximum value.
    [%MIN%]: Displays the session's minimum value.
    [%DEBUT%]: Displays the first value of the session.
    [%FIN%]: Displays the session end value.
By default, the format is as follows:
grTooltipFormatRadialBarDefines the tooltip format in a Radial Bar chart.Character string
  • Empty string to use the default format.
  • Combination of the following strings:
    [%SERIE%]: Displays the series label (defined with the grSeriesLabel function)..
    [%CATEGORY%]: Displays the category label (defined with the grCategoryLabel function)..
    [%VALUE%]: Displays the value
    [%%%]: Displays the percentage
    Exemple: "[%VALEUR%]"+RC+"[%CATEGORIE%]"+RC+"[%%%]"
The default format is "[%CATEGORY%]"+RC+"[%VALUE%]"+RC+"[%%%]"
grTooltipFormatCrosshairHeaderDefines the format of the chart crosshair header.Character string
  • Empty string to use the default format.
  • Character string containing the following string:
    [%CATEGORY%]: Displays the category label (defined with the grCategoryLabel function)..
The default format is "[%CATEGORY%]". Stacked histogram: You can add the stack total to the tooltip of a stacked histogram using the following syntax:
grTooltip(MySelf, grTooltipFormatCrosshairHeader, ...
"[%CATEGORY%], Sum = [%VALUE%]")
grTooltipFormatBubbleChartDefines the tooltip format in a Bubble chart.Character string
  • Empty string to use the default format.
  • Combination of the following strings:
    [%SERIE%]: Displays the series label (defined with the grSeriesLabel function)..
    [%CATEGORY%]: Displays the category label (defined with the grCategoryLabel function)..
    [%X%]: Displays abscissa (first series)
    [%Y%]: Displays ordinate (second series)
    [%Z%]: Displays the value of the third series.
The default format is "([%X%];[%Y%]): [%Z%]"+RC+"[%CATEGORY%]".
New in version 2025
Displays the tooltip as an internal windowCharacter string corresponding to the name of the internal window (enclosed in quotation marks) used to customize the bubble associated with the chart.

Internal window features:
  • The bubble is displayed only. It is not possible to interact with internal window fields.
  • Internal window prototype:
    PROCEDURE MyWindow(FieldGraph is Field,
    IndexSeries is an integer, Index is an integer,
    Value is a real, BallLabel is a string)
grTooltip(GRF_Sales, grFormatInternalWindowTooltip, "FI_CustomTooltip")
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHP Not available.
grTooltipFormatScatterDefines the tooltip format in a Scatter chart.Character string
  • Empty string to use the default format.
  • Combination of the following strings:
    [%SERIE%]: Displays the series label (defined with the grSeriesLabel function)..
    [%CATEGORY%]: Displays the category label (defined with the grCategoryLabel function)..
    [%X%]: Displays abscissa.
The default format is "[%X%]"+RC+"[%Y%]"+RC+"[%SERIE%]"+RC+"[%CATEGORIE%]".
grTooltipFormatHeatMapDefines the tooltip format in a Heatmap chart. Character string
  • Empty string to use the default format.
  • Combination of the following strings:
    [%SERIE%]: Displays the series label (defined with the grSeriesLabel function)..
    [%CATEGORY%]: Displays the category label (defined with the grCategoryLabel function)..
    [%X%]: Displays abscissa (first series)
    [%Y%]: Displays ordinate (second series)
    [%Z%]: Displays the value of the third series.
The default format is "([%X%];[%Y%]): [%Z%]"+RC+"[%CATEGORY%]".
grTooltipFormatPieDefines the tooltip format in a Pie chart.Character string
  • Empty string to use the default format.
  • Combination of the following strings:
    [%SERIE%]: Displays the series label (defined with the grSeriesLabel function)..
    [%CATEGORY%]: Displays the category label (defined with the grCategoryLabel function)..
    [%VALUE%]: Displays the value
    [%%%]: Displays the percentage
    Exemple: "[%VALEUR%]"+RC+"[%CATEGORIE%]"+RC+"[%%%]"
The default format is "[%CATEGORY%]"+RC+"[%VALUE%]"+RC+"[%%%]"
grTooltipFormatWaffleDefines the tooltip format in a Waffle chart.Character string
  • Empty string to use the default format.
  • Combination of the following strings:
    [%CATEGORY%]: Displays the category label (defined with the grCategoryLabel function)..
    [%VALUE%]: Displays the value
    [%%%]: Displays the percentage
    Example: "[%VALUE%]"+CR+"[%CATEGORY%]"+CR+"[%%%]"
The default format is "[%CATEGORY%]"+RC+"[%VALUE%]"+RC+"[%%%]"
grTooltipFormatRangeAreaDefines the tooltip format in a Range Area chart.Character string
  • Empty string to use the default format.
  • Combination of the following strings:
    [%DEBUT%]: Displays interval start value.
    [%FIN%]: Displays end of interval value.
    [%CATEGORY%]: Displays the category label (defined with the grCategoryLabel function)..
    Example: "[%OPEN%]"+CR+"[%CLOSE%]"+CR+"[%CATEGORY%]"
The default format is: "[%DEBUT%]"+RC+"[%FIN%]

If the default format is used:
  • "[%CATEGORY%]" is ignored if no category label was specified by grCategoryLabel.
  • "[%SERIES%]" is ignored if no series label was specified with grSeriesLabel.
Warning: A compilation error may occur If you use dynamic string construction (option "Allow "[% %]" in strings" in the "Compilation" tab of the project description), a compilation error may appear (unknown identifier). In this case, each string must be preceded by '-%'. Example:
grTooltip(CHART_Deadline, grTooltipFormat, "[%CATEGORY%]" + CR + CR+ "[%VALUE%]" + " H")
grTooltip(CHART_Deadline, grTooltipFormat, -%"[%CATEGORY%]" + CR + CR + -%"[%VALUE%]" + " H")

Enabling/Disabling the tooltip

The tooltip activation/deactivation (grShowTooltip constant) takes effect only when grDraw is executed.
WEBDEV - Browser code The activation/deactivation of the tooltip (grShowTooltip constant) takes effect immediately.

Formatting the elements displayed in the tooltip

To format the values displayed in the tooltip (value and percentage), use grMask.
New in version 2025

Customizable tooltip via an internal window

The function grTooltip used with the constant grFormatBubbleInternalWindow is used to specify the internal window used to display the tooltip for a Chart control.
This internal window is for display only. No interaction between user and bubble possible.
This internal window uses the following prototype:
PROCEDURE MyWindow(FieldGraph is Field,
IndexSeries is an integer, IndexValue is an integer, Value is a real, LabelBubble is a string)
  • ChartControl: Name of the Chart control used.
  • SeriesIndex: Index of the series corresponding to the point hovered over.
  • Index: Index of the point value overflown.
  • Value: Value of the point hovered over.
  • BubbleLabel: Label of the bubble normally displayed. This label can be formatted using the function grTooltip used with the constant grFormatBulle.
Internal window features:
  • Fields in the internal window cannot be manipulated by the user.
  • The opacity defined for fields in the internal window is taken into account.
  • The size of the internal window used for the tooltip automatically adapts to the content when displayed.
Special cases:
  • In the case of a multi-series crosshairs, the series index and value correspond to the point closest to the mouse. In this case, the "Index" parameter is identical for all points.
    For stock charts, bubble charts, heatmaps and range area charts, a single value is returned.
  • In the internal window code, it is possible to retrieve data from other series using the grGetData function. For example:
    // Retrieve previous value
    grGetData(FieldGraph, NumSeries, Index-1)
It is also possible to retrieve information such as the legend or color of the series using the properties available in the Chart control.
Related Examples:
WD Chart Training (WINDEV): WD Chart
[ + ] This example presents the different uses of the Chart control.
Different types of charts are presented:
- Pie
- Sunburst
- Line
- Scatter
- Column
- Area
- etc.

The main features presented here are the possibility to customize of charts from the code, as well as to fill the chart from an HFSQL data file, or in the editor.
Business / UI classification: UI Code
Component: wd300grf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 02/21/2025

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