Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Window functions
  • Characteristics of the popup window
  • Parameters passed to the window to open
  • Limitations
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Stored procedures
Opens a popup window and waits for this window to be closed. This function must be used in the code of a control (click code of button for example).
Remark: To customize the position of the popup, use OpenPopupPosition.
// Open the window for color selection
MyColor is int
MyColor = OpenPopup(WIN_ColorWinSelection)
// If a color was selected
// (nColor <= 0 if the window is canceled)
IF MyColor > 0 THEN
// Change the color of the button rectangle
BTN_Color.Caption = gRectangle(0, 0, 72, 16, MyColor, 0)
<Result> = OpenPopup(<Name of the window> [, <Parameter 1> [... [, <Parameter N>]]])
<Result>: Type corresponding to the retrieved value (optional)
Value returned by the popup window when it is closed. This value is returned:
  • by the RETURN keyword in the window "Close" event,
  • by the Close function,
  • by the ReturnedValue property used before closing the window.
<Name of the window>: Character string
Name of the window to be opened.
<Parameter 1>: Type of value sent to the window (optional)
First parameter that will be passed to the "Global declarations" event of the window to open. These parameters are passed by reference and are considered as global variables to the window.
<Parameter N>: Type of value sent to the window (optional)
Nth parameter that must be passed to the "Global declarations" event of the window to open. These parameters are passed by reference and are considered as global variables to the window.

Characteristics of the popup window

  • The window is automatically closed when it loses focus or during the call to Close. The current value is returned to the control that opened the popup window by one of the following methods:
    • by the RETURN keyword in the window "Close" event,
    • by the Close function,
    • by the ReturnedValue property used before closing the window.
  • The style of the popup windows is applied to the window opened by OpenPopup. If a title bar was defined in the editor, this title bar is reduced and the window cannot be maximized or minimized.
  • The popup window is opened below the control that calls OpenPopup. If there is not enough space to open the window, the window will be opened either above the control, or below the control to the left.

Parameters passed to the window to open

The parameters are retrieved in the "Global declarations" event of the window. The first line of code of this event must correspond to the following line:
PROCEDURE <Window name> (<Parameter1> [, <Parameter2> [, ...]])
For more details, see Window with parameters.


  • OpenPopup must be executed from the code of a control.
  • The control that calls OpenPopup must be visible.
  • Non-modal windows cannot be opened from a popup window. Open must be used to open a window. Opening a modal window from a popup window does not automatically close the popup window. In this case, you must process the return value of Open and you must use Close to close the popup window.
  • A popup window cannot be opened from another popup window.
Related Examples:
Popup calendar Unit examples (WINDEV): Popup calendar
[ + ] Using a calendar that can be used by the OpenPopup function.
The PopCalendar window is very useful in the applications containing date controls.
Indeed, the PopCalendar window allows you to choose a date visually.
The risk of error is reduced as the user can see the day of the week corresponding to the selected date.
Then, the date control is filled with the value returned by the PopCalendar window.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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