<Graphe>VignetteCategory (Function) In french: <Chart>.CategoryThumbnail Initialize a category image with an image (thumbnail) in Sector, Doughnut or Hemicycle type charts. GRF_Consumption.DeleteAll()
GRF_Consumption.AddData(1, 1, 35)
GRF_Consomption.CategoryLabel(1, "Heating")
GRF_Consumption.ThumbnailCategory(1, IMG_Heating)
GRF_Consumption.ColorCategory(1, HTMLToRGB("#FF5722"))
GRF_Consumption.AddData(1, 2, 20)
GRF_Consumption.CategoryLabel(2, "Water")
GRF_Consumption.ThumbnailCategory(2, IMG_Water)
GRF_Consumption.ColorCategory(2, HTMLToRGB("#2196F3"))
GRF_Consumption.AddData(1, 3, 12)
GRF_Consumption.CategoryLabel(3, "Car refill")
GRF_Consumption.ClassVignette(3, IMG_Car)
GRF_Consumption.ColorCategory(3, HTMLToRGB("#8BC34A"))
GRF_Consumption.AddData(1, 4, 18)
GRF_Consommation.CategoryLabel(4, "Appliances")
GRF_Consommation.VignetteCatégorie(4, IMG_Electromenager)
GRF_Consumption.ColorCategory(4, HTMLToRGB("#9C27B0"))
<Chart control>.ThumbnailCategory(<Index> , <Image>)
<Chart control>: Control name Name of the chart to be used. This name corresponds to:- the name of the chart defined programmatically with grCreate.
- the name of the Chart control in the window, page or report editor.
<Index>: entier Data index in the series. <Image>: Character string or Image variable Category image. This image can correspond to: - a memo section,
- the path of an image file (or just its name if the image is present in the executable directory),
- an image field name containing an image.
- a variable of type Image.
Remarks - The image is reduced to be displayed in the. If the image size is too small, or if the portion in which the image is to be displayed is too small, the image is not displayed.
- It is possible to display both the image and the category label.
- The <Chart>.AutoRefreshCategoryLabel function has no impact on the display of category thumbnails.
Business / UI classification: Business Logic
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